chapter 1

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I sat in the last bench of the classroom, as the lecture of chemistry went on while my best friend Macau sat beside me.
A heavy feeling in my heart as a heartbreaking beat of the song played in my earphones, why was I listening music during my class?
Who the hell would want to pay attention to class when just a month ago you went through the most terrible and unexpected breakup?
And the worst part is that Kim,my ex. Is still trying his hardest to contact and it's only been 1 month and 2 days since we broke up, not like I count days, but yes.
I scribbled random lines on a page while my best friend took notes of chemistry, me and Macau were really close. Even though we both were polar opposites.
He belonged to a mafia clan while I was just a normal guy, but even though my brother was the lover of the mafia named kinn theerapanyakul and also macau's cousin.
He lived in the main family house while I lived in a small apartment. But somehow when I stumbled across the youngest son of main family, I happen to find myself falling for him and we developed a relationship only for it to burn down into ashes in the end. I was lost in my thoughts until I felt someone shaking my arm with a low force
"Chay..! CHAYY!"
Macau spoke as he scared the life out of me, I took my earphones off and looked at him with a confused tone
"The bell rang already dummy, let's gooo!!!"
He said as he threw his bag over his shoulder and I slightly nodded as I packed my stuff and we both walked out of the class
"Aii chay, it's crowded there do you want to see what's happening?"
Macau said as he gazed over at the hallway while alot of students were gathering up there
"Can we just go to an empty classroom? Please? I don't like crowded places"
"Aish, don't be so boring, come on"
He said as he held my hand and ran towards the crowd, it was noisy and not place for me to even put a step but once I got a look at the reason behind the unnecessary crowd, my eyes slightly shocked as I broke free from macau's hand, Macau also rolled his eyes as he saw Kim's appearance, since main and major family never got along. I froze on my spot as my blood ran cold, I didn't expected to see him here, I forced my steps to walk away from the crowd as Macau followed me and  not too long until I heard a voice calling out my name
I tried to ignore it and walk away  but suddenly a strong arm gripped my wrist tightly and I turned around only to find Kim looking at me with an unexplainable expression
Macau spoke up as he saw Kim
"Hey let him go-"
"I'm not here to talk to you Macau, stay away from this"
"Don't talk to me like that you-"
"Mac, can you please wait for me in the cafeteria?"
I spoke finally as macau sighed and nodded as he looked over at his shoulder at me while walking away, once Macau was out of our sight, Kim spoke
"I want to have a moment alone with you,chay"
Kim spoke with a soft tone
"I don't trust you enough to be alone with you anymore"
his grip around my wrist slightly loosened as he still held on. He smiled sadly as he looked down and nodded
"Can we just talk here then, please?"
"What do you want to talk about?"
"About us, chay"
"We do not exist anymore, you left me, Kim"
"Chay, I know what I did was a mistake..but I eventually came to a point where I finally realized that I can't live without you"
I nervously looked away from his soft gaze and but my lower lip due to nervousness
"I once did too, but I can't handle being played, I'm sorry Kim. It will be better for you to not ever chase me like this again, I want to move on"
Kim let go of my wrist as he looked at me with a hint of sadness and love in his eyes
"We can make it work out this time, I promise.."
"I'm sorry"
I mouthed as I tried to hold back my tears, I knew I still loved him but I wasn't willing to get hurt and I didn't wanted to repeat the history by my own self, I should let go
"Please, I will treat you better then anyone else ever will, just this once"
"I don't want us to end up on even bad terms,Kim, please."
I said as I backed away while a crystal like tear slipped from the side of my eye and I quickly wiped it away with my sleeve
"I've to go now, I'm sorry"
I said as I turned around and took a deep breath while I walked towards cafeteria with heavy steps, where Macau was waiting for me, meanwhile Kim stood there speechless, without sparing a single glare, I walked away.


I watched him walk away from me, I wanted to stop him but I couldn't especially since I knew I was the reason we parted ways, my hand trembled in a slight way and my throat ran dry, I wanted to cry and destroy everything around me at the moment, but I couldn't. I was powerless. I did wrong to him, I admit it, but I had to gain something for the clan and to take something we've to loose something. And that's the exact matter here. I sighed as I watched him vanishing away from my sight
I sighed heavily, as I took a deep sigh and made my way out of the class, knowing that I couldn't do anything, the situation was exactly what I was afraid of, I didn't wanted to loose chay but at he same time I had an aim. And I wanted to fulfill it at any cost. I didn't had any right to complain or cry over nothing now, since I was the one who made the love my second priority.


I walked in the cafeteria as I spotted Macau at a table, he waved his hand to me as I walked towards the table and sat Infront of him.
"Did that bastard hurt you? Did he do anything? Tell me, I'll tell p'vegas to break his bones-"
"Macau, hey. Calm down. I'm alright"
I said as I slightly looked down, we spent half am hour in the cafeteria, until the school was almost over, and we walked on the way to the main gate, Macau and I together, he had his arm around my shoulder while I crossed my arms against my chest and walked with him
"Hey you maybe want to study at my place for the upcoming test tomorrow?" Macau asked in an exciting tone
"Yes,sure" I casually replied with no excitement in my tone
"Okay then! Today evening, 5:00 pm" "ah, alright then, see you"
I said as we were already in the main gate and we're ready to part our ways and head to both of our homes
He went to the parking lot for his car as I walked away, he was a kid living in luxury while I never had it, but I never thought I even need it. I headed home while walking slowly through the streets.
I had to go to study at his house..sounds Interesting to me. We'll see about how it'll go, it'll be great as long as I won't see Kim or his family members there for a meeting or anything.

Note: Idk what I wrote. But yes, I'm a beginner writer and I'm still improving my skills. Will try my best to write as best as I can :)

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