chapter 4

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The room fell into an eerie stillness, disturbed only by the rhythmic thud of their racing hearts. A crimson cascade splattered across his face, a visceral testament to the violence that had unfolded. The metallic scent of blood filled the air, mingling with the acrid tang of fear and adrenaline. With a calculated precision, he drove the blade deep into the chest of his adversary, the force of the impact reverberating through his very being. The chilling sight of life's essence spilling forth, staining the fabric of their existence, was a haunting reminder of the fragility of mortality.
As the seconds stretched into an eternity, the man standing before him met his untimely demise, collapsing with a hollow thud, he gingerly wiped away the warm, sticky blood that clung to his face, a chilling reminder of the brutality that had unfolded. His once immaculate off-white shirt, now a canvas of despair, bore witness to the gruesome act, its fabric saturated with the scarlet essence of life. The weight of the moment pressed upon his soul, a haunting reminder of the irreversible path he had chosen and the darkness that now stained his existence.
With a decisive motion, he flung the knife aside, its metallic clatter echoing through the room. As if stepping into an alternate reality, a man nonchalantly entered, seemingly unfazed by the grisly scene before him. Undeterred by the blood-soaked surroundings, he attempted to engage in conversation, his words a stark contrast to the macabre tableau that had unfolded. as one of his bodyguard spoke
"Mr.Vegas, your father awaits, wants to see you in the meeting room"
he uttered, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and disbelief. His eyes, wide with horror, remained fixated on the haunting tableau that unfolded before him. In a tone laced with trepidation, he conveyed the urgent message.
As vegas elegantly rolled up his sleeve, his gesture of determination, he cast a nod towards the vigilant bodyguard "Let him know I'll be there in just a few short minutes." As he gracefully emerged from the shadows of the underground, he left the lifeless figure behind.
Towards his room he ventured, a solemn path paved with crimson remnants. As the scarlet droplets intertwined with the flowing water, a haunting tableau emerged, where life and death danced in ethereal harmony. The blood wiped off by the water. Emerging from the cleansing embrace, he donned a noir button-up, each crease whispering tales of meticulous craftsmanship. Adorned in ebony slacks, tailored to embrace his form, he became a portrait of resolute elegance. His coiffed locks, a testament to his meticulous care, framed a visage that exuded confidence. And with a spritz of cologne, a perfect olfactory symphony, he stood prepared to face the formidable presence of his father.
He made his way through the backyard, where the enchanting lake nestled in its embrace. His father, a stoic presence, sat by the water's edge, a cigarette in hand, patiently awaiting his arrival. Drawing closer, he settled into a seat before him, their eyes meeting in a wordless exchange. With cold greeting. While few bodyguard dressed up in all black, surrounded the place.
"Hello, dear father, may I know the reason behind you wanting to see me?" He said as his cold voice broke the pin drop silence
"Hello to you too, son"
The old man's voice came out crusty as hell. The affects of years of smoking
"I wanted to tell you about the engagement...of your very own beloved cousin, kinn"
He said as he put down his cigarette and half filled up glasses of wine, one pushing in vegas' direction as he took his, he took the glass as he leaned back on my chair
"Am I supposed to consider it important?"
"Yes, that's exactly what I want you to do, son"
He scoffed at the statement
"You're going there"
"I think not"
"Oh yes. Don't disappoint me by disappearing at the last moment"
"If this is important to you then sure, father"
The fragile glass in my hands as I swirled it. Taking a sip of the wine as it went sour burned in my throat.
There's this thing I always hated about my father. He liked the main family just as much as I hated them, I have my certain reason to hate them. I hate them...but not my uncle, he's a sweet soul. He's like a father figure to me but his goddamn sons. My father adores them which never fails to make my blood boil. Because that's just what he thinks it is.blood is thicker then water after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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