One Year After TAKOS

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There Bad Cop was, sitting silently at his desk with a mountain full of paperwork and stone-cold instant coffee. It had been exactly one year since the defeat of (lord) or president Business. Somehow despite everything that had happened, the years of hunting down master-builders and torturing them to their demise, Business still managed to get re-elected. Politics, amright? Of course he wasn't an evil overlord anymore, just a guy trying to help things run smoothly, while also going on a lot of mini golfing trips and leaving the rest of the universe to their own devices, and everyone was okay with that. I mean, if Emmet says it's okay, then of course everyone else would, he was The Special after all. The thing was... was BC/GC okay with this? After the attempted elimination of Good Cop, it was hard to tell where they both stood with the president. They hadn't seen him in about a year, shortly after the whole incident he allowed the cop his job back, that would've been the last time he spoke. His job consisted in keeping everything in check, like a normal police officer would, no more hunting down master-builders or serving for an evil overlord, yet the memories were painted to Bad Cop's mind.

The people he hurt, those he killed, the trauma of almost losing the other half of him? All these many things weighed heavily on the copper. He wanted to erase every negative thought he had, but he couldn't. The only thing he could do was overwork himself sick in an attempt to distract himself from the pain he felt inside. On work days he'd indulge himself in work, on any of the rare occasions he was free? He'd douse himself in alcohol. He had a problem, but refused to admit it to anybody. Nobody should pity him, he didn't deserve their pity or worry. He was a monster. Why can't they see that?

Ever since Good Cop's return... he hasn't been the same. People always get his sides mixed up, 'oh Bad Cop must be the negative thoughts and Good must be the positive!' That couldn't be furthest from the truth. Good Cop wasn't his positive thoughts, no, he was his sensitive side, the gentle side... right now? This poor guy was breaking. He hated himself, not because of what Bad Cop did in his absence but because he wasn't good enough to stay and protect him. He blames himself. This blame that they both hold has sent them through severe depression.

Today was going by slower than usual. His Ma had sent him a text earlier that she was going to call and check up on him. The both of them were not looking forward to this.

"You have to pick up, you do realise that?" Good Cop spoke from the back of Bad's mind.

"Yeah. I know." Bad answered bluntly.

Bad glanced at his phone then back at the paperwork in front of him. He was petrified of this call. He knows how much his parents worry about him, especially Ma. He wanted to assure them everything was fine but wasn't sure how! He wasn't fine, and as his parents, they will see right through him- It doesn't help that Good can't keep secrets, what if that dunce fronts in and pours out all their inner thoughts? He can't let them know.

"You got'a keep your mouth shut, they don't need to be burdened by our emotion." Bad warned Good.

"I know... I know, but maybe they could help?"

"They can't."


"They can't help us." Bad Cop snapped abruptly.

He realised he may have been a bit too harsh. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

"They won't understand."

Suddenly his phone began to ring. Bad felt his chest burn. He felt like he was going to throw up. He adjusted his sunglasses and was about to pick up, when he noticed something out of the ordinary out the window... He turned his head to the side only to raise a brow.

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