Pull me into your orbit of love

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Notes: FYI Bad and Good are one person, one identity, not two separate people, they share the same thoughts, think of it like your left and right brain could separate and talk to each other, that's all it is, he is the same person, one person, with his parts split. They both feel the same thing, the only thing is they are able to talk to each other as if they were two different people, but they are not!

Also Bad fronts most of the time, because the individual himself, is made up mostly of the 'Bad' side, but his Good shines through in certain situations! (He also forces Bad to stay out, it's more his actual personality then Good) OKAY! All cleared up? Cool! Go ahead and read!

After closing the door, Bad Cop let out an exhausted sigh. He couldn't fathom his actions. How had he roped one of Emmet's friends into his family problems? And why was Benny so eager to assist him in correcting the mistake he had made? He didn't feel worthy of the help, having wronged good people, some of whom were close to Benny, yet the bundle of joy was still willing to help him! It just didn't make sense to the cop. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of shame for asking Benny for assistance, especially considering the nature of his request. I mean, asking Benny to pretend to be his boyfriend? It sounded utterly absurd and, to be honest, incredibly embarrassing. It required him to drop his guard and reveal his vulnerabilities, something Bad Cop absolutely despised. He detested appearing weak, especially in front of the entire master builder crew that had played a pivotal role in saving the world!

Bad rubbed his eyes tiredly and shook his head. He dragged himself back to his desk, picking up the stationery that Benny clumsily dropped in the process. He slumped in his chair with a huff, staring at all the paperwork he had to complete before seven thirty. His mind was in the clouds, he couldn't stop thinking about the whole situation, like how were they supposed to convince his parents that he and Benny were dating?! How was he supposed to deal with the intolerable space freak for a week? This was going to be torture! He'll probably talk his ear off about spaceships! Like he needs that right now with all the stress with work and what not. The whole reason the cop insisted on telling his parents they were in a relationship was so they didn't need to be in a relationship, now it feels they've been roped into one, fake or not! What if he gets attached to that obnoxious idiot? Bad is almost certain he won't, but Good easily forms deep connections with people, especially loveable idiots like Ben. They had no time for friends, they had no time for any relationship! They had work to be done, so much work.

"Benny seemed nice!" Good suddenly chimed up.

"Yeah too nice," Bad grumbled.

"Mhm, y'know I think you're scared!" Good smirked internally.

"Scared? Pshh."

"Scared you'll come to like the guy~ come on, I know you're already taking a fancy! Don't worry buddy! I won't judge!"

"If I'm taking a fancy then so are you." Bad scoffed. "Also, we aren't, you're just overthinking it."

"Well, we'll see."

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

A few hours passed, Cop had been engrossed in his work, desperately trying to finish as much as he could before Benny arrived. The poor guy had dark bags under his eyes, he could barely even keep himself straight, his back slouching in, and head nearly touching the desk... he had a few minutes for a power nap. He allowed his head to press against the sheets of paper as his eyes fluttered closed for a moment.

Benny had spent that day on site with the others, helping rebuild a school today, which lucky for him was nearby the station, hence the unexpected visit by Emmet and the others. Once the sun had set, Benny said his goodbyes to his friends, which wished him good luck with BC/GC. Metal Beard seemed wary about all of this, Benny was his closest friend, he had formed quite a connection with the goofball, especially since they both had a love for machinery and well, some sort of ship, if it be a spaceship or a watercraft ship. They also became close over the many years. Metal Beard would do anything for Benny, and if anyone ever hurt him? Oh, they'd be sorry. Bad Cop better stay in line or else he'll be dealing with Ben's best mate.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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