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It was 6o'clock in the morning. I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling  while keeping my hand on my forehead "Uhh.. my head hurts like hell.." I groaned. I stood up and walked to the bathroom and opened the emergency cabinet and grabbed some painkillers and gulped them in one go. "That should do it." I gave small knock to my head and got ready for school. "Mom! I am going to school!" I shouted as i left the house. Normally they rush down and respond but this time there was none. "Maybe they are still sleeping" I thought. I arrived to the school gate but it was locked. "Hey let me in. Why are the gates closed? Its still 6:30" I asked the guard. "No its not kid, its passed 9o'clock. Fix your watch kid" The guard spoke rudely. And come to think of it, the house clock werent working, and it was needed to be repaired. "Fuck.. The clocks were busted , now what to do.. " I facepalmed and quickly ran around the school and came to the back of the school where the pool area was and there was no security guards. I went several steps back and sprinted towards the wall and with that speed i was able to jump over it. Unfortunately, i landed on pile of cleaning equipments (mops and all to clean the pool) "Shit." i grunted. As I left that area, i got strong toxic smell. "Cigarettes?" I muttered. I followed the toxic aroma and to see it was that gang.. Smoking early in the morning. They have arranged some chairs and made it as small hangout spot. I walked into the scene ,"Tch tch.. early in the morning? I dont think it will bring any good for ur health with all those injuries.." I gave a little cough. Some of them stood up as they glared at my presences. "Sit down." The leader ordered them.  "Hey hey.. I am giving the orders here." I smiled as his eyes grew big in fear. Everyone was puzzeled,"Boss?" The leader lowered his head and said "This new guy is ur new leader. Derek." He stood up and stood next to one of the guys. "Thats more like it." I patted him and sat down on his chair, "Now I am your new leader, so dont try anything funny with me as u know pranks dont play well with me" I stared at each and every member. "Hey rony! Snap out of it! What is this fool talking about?!" One guy started to shake the earlier leader of the gang (Rony) But Rony stood frozen while his legs began to shiver. "RONY!" that guy shouted. "HEY YOU!" I called out, "I said Dont.Try.Anything.Funny." I repeated slowly while signaling him to sit down. "Who the fuck do you think you are to boss me around.. " The guy came upto me. I chuckled. "U guys really dont understand fucking english huh?- When i was just about to stand up , another guy put his hand on my way and stopped me. "Please! Dont hurt him! Hes the youngest member in our gang.. Hes 3years below us! We will take care of him." He begged and put that youngest member back to his seat. I slapped the guy who stopped me. "U worthless shits included youngsters into such disgusting gang?! And ordering me to not to hurt him?! U motherfuckers should be fucking ashamed to get kid who probably havent even hit his puberty!" I kicked hard to his stomach. "HOW MANY KIDS LIKE HIM ARE HERE IN THIS GANG?!" I asked from everyone. No one raised their hands. I repeated my question again. Then almost 4 to 5 hands were rosen up while holding a cigar on their hands. "Is this it? Are there more?" I turned to Rony who was shaking like hell. "T-there are..  f-fifteen people in t-total.." He uttered. "IM not fucking asking for the total count of the gang! How many kids are there in the damn gang ,u idiot!" I slapped him.  He fell down to the ground "t-them.. Only them.. only them sir.." He uttered as he suddenly started to beg me not to hurt him. I walked up to the 5 kids, grabbed the cigars and threw them away. "Come follow me. I will take u guys out of here" I said kindly. But they were hestitant to leave the place. "Why whats the matter? Are you scared of these morons? "I asked them. They shook their heads, "We are scared of them but we are more scared of y-you s-sir.." One kid spoke up and ran behind his friends. Then it flashed me. "Shit... it happened again huh.. I let my anger over power me.." I sighed.  "Okay fair enough.. But dont worry i wouldnt hurt yall.. " I held out my hand to them, "Here come with me now, and you will be free. No errands to run, no one would scold u or harrase u.. You can be with your own aged friends," I smiled , "I promise." The kids were convinced and accpeted my kind gesture. "HEY! WE NEED THEM!" One guy shouted. "Iam the leader. I make the decisions. SO GET.LOST." I demanded and took the kids to their classes while leaving the gang behind. "Thank you so much sir!" The kids bowed. I chuckled, "Whats with the sir and bows? Call me Derek brother." I smiled at them as i pat their heads. They looked at each other and gave an awkward smile and went inside the class. "I am sucha awesome bro" I praised myself as i went to my class. Luckily, there was no teacher in class. So i quickly walked to the seat that was next to the gang. "For now i will leave u guys with a warning, but next time yall get kids invovled into this damn gang, Yall will face much worst injuries than those baby wounds" I warned them as i glared at the guys. Some were scared and nodded on the spot while some ignored me and continued to do whatever they were doing.

As time was passing by, it was recognized that theres this fine looking gal in our class. She looked soo fine that my black horns wanted to pop out. And i could sense that my gang were thinking the same as i could sense their strong lustfulness urge for that girl. "Man.. look at that cake... " One guy said to another.. "I know right.. Wanna grab it right here and slap it hard." The other guy said as he bit his lips. Then the subject miss asked that girl a question so she stood up and began to give the answer. And just then, one dude whistled at her. The teacher gave side eye at us. Then again another guy whistled and moaned "Come to mommy!" The whole gang laugh including myself. "HEY ALL OF YOU STAND UP! " The teacher yelled, "HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR WOMEN!" I looked at everyone and said "Cmon miss.. Dont say that, we have respect for women but with all due respect she has such fine figure.. any gentlement would want to take their hor-- i mean their rulers out for her." I winked at her. The girl began to feel uncomfortable. "Mister Derek Dawson! Mind your language! This is a classroom, not your house.  And dont talk about gentlements.. When u r no near of being a man.. First grow up " Miss scolded us as she kept us standing the whole period. After the period finished, we all kept staring at every movemnt she does. She kept looking at us uncomfortably and tried to get away from us. But we began to follow her. "Hey lovely lady.. where are u running to? " I asked as we went behind her. "This much hurry, most probably the bathroom.. U want us to join u ?" one guy said as he bit his lips while others were laughing. "Stop following me!" The lady started to cry out for help. "Oh yes yes.. keep saying it.. It makes me to want u more.." I rushed to that girl and pulled her  bag that made her fall back to me. "Oof. Easy there" I slided my hand girl's cheeks to her neck, "So soft.." The girl pushed me and started to run. But she had no way of escaping as we surrounded her. "No need to run little missy.. we just wanted to have some fun.." I smirked as i walked to close to her. The circle kept getting closer and closer to her step by step. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!HELP!" She screamed. "Shhhh.." I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close to the point where i could feel her heavy breathing. "Dont worry, I will protect u from these guys.." I whispered as i slowly slided my hands to her butt cheeks and squeezed them. The girl moaned. "S-stop.. Get-t away from m-me.." She tried to fight me back but just then i smacked her ass, that made her moan louder,"Ahh!~" All of the guys joined in, some began to sniff her hair.."Oh u smell soo good today~" some licked her neck.. some rubbbed their balls on her "Oh yeahh~" I kept squeezing her peaches and teddies. She began to tremble like a deer as she kept moaning. "S-stop it.. Someone p-please h-help me.. " Tears came rolling down her cheeks while the guys did it harder as they laughed. "STOP IT." I heard someone in my head screaming .  I was puzzeled. There was no one around me other than my gang . "STOP HARASSING THAT POOR GIRL!" I heard it again. I wanted to ignore it and then a sudden green light appeared from a distant.. That made me very calm and settled. "Please s-stop this.. not there.. Ahhhh~" The girl kept crying. I looked at everyone and at the girl in shock. "STOP IT!" I released her and pushed my gang away from the girl. The moment we released her, i felt something sticky on my palms.. something fetish.. I smelled it. "What the heck is this??" I questioned. "Oh bosss she have got wet on ur hands! Sweet!" A dude spoke in amaze. "NO-OH! U BASTARDS!" The girl couldnt stop her tears from rolling down her eyes and covered herself with the bag . Then i realized and quickly wiped it off my trousers and apologized. "I didnt want this to happen. I swear!" I put my hands together and bowed at her, "I am very sorry for what happened.." I said. The girl came upto me and spitted at me. "Not even my dog will give a crap about your apologies. Sick bustards.." She wipped her tears off and left as her friends took her out of there. "How dare u spit on him-" One of the gang members wanted to teach her lesson but i stopped them, "Theres no need for this.. " I wipped off her spit off me, "Lets not do this again." I said to them. "But but -" The gang resisted to follow my order. "No buts! Cmon  there are other fun things than playing with chicks. Let this be lesson for all of us.." I stated and left to the bathroom to wash my hands. "Aish.. What was i thinking.." I began to think as i applied soap to my hands. "And what was that very calming green light.. and that voice.." I kept thinking as i rinsed the soap off my hands. After finish washing my hands, i came out of the washroom, i felt this presences of someone.. It was an unusal scent.. Definitelynot a human-- "Could it be.?"

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