Remnant Reckoning 1

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[Going to tell you guys that RR prolog will be different just to improve it.]

Third POV:

Luna stare at Knight who was kneeling before her as he said.

Knight:"I'm sorry."

Luna:"Sorry for what?"

Knight:"For your son unfortunate death. I did not tan it to happen nor wish for it happen."

She got angry thinking he was one of the people who attack her son, but didn't pull out her sword as she still have her hand on it.

Luna:"Choose your words next carefully or else you'll know my enemies pain by my sword."

Knight look at her for a moment and then proceed to speak more. Everyone else seem to start to relax a bit except for Salem who was imprinted to the ground still.

Knight:"It was my job to watch over your universe, but alas my gaze drifted off away for a moment and then this happened."

Joshua got curious about the information, but still remain alert if anything happens as he step forward to ask.

Joshua:"What do mean "our" universe?"

Knight:"As I said my job is to watch yours since it was brand new, but SOMEONE keep ditching the others."

Luna:"And WHO keep ditching the others?"

Knight:"Trust me, you'll know him later. For now I brought you all here to tell you all a important news."

He turn away to walk to the unless windows and look at the horizon, before turning back around to look at them. All of them stare for whatever information he have.

Knight:"Jaune Arc..... has awaken once more and is alive."

And then just like everybody lost their crap with scream in shock and insults.



Ozpin:"How can that be!?"

Ruby:"Is he!? Where is he!?"

Velvet:"IS HE OK!?"


Everyone was shock to my news..... well almost everyone as Weiss laugh a bit as she look at Knight with smug look.

Weiss:(giggles)"Your so funny, but I hardly believe anything of this true especially Jaune Arc. That poor excuse of a huntsmen is better off dea-"

Right before she could finish, she felt large cold like chill down to her spine as she turn around and sees half of the Arc staring angrily at her.

Knight:"Watch your words Schnee, your in dangerous water. Other then that I have brought all you here for one purpose."

They all turn their attention to Knight who was walking back to his throne, then sit down as he gaze back to them.

Knight:"To react his adventures of his new life."

All of them:"HUH?!?!"


Everyone look at Salem who was finally pulling herself out of the ground she crush into.

Salem:"Wait! Did-did the brother God's-"

Knight:"No, those fuckers have nothing to with this. Other gods pick him."

This made them all confused.

Ozpin:"What do you mean by 'other gods' ?"

Knight:"As I said once again. Jaune wasn't summon by the brothers, he was summon by a different gods. But enough have been giving. I will like to have everyone be at their arrange sits of this theater. Luna and her daughters will sit at the middle along with Ozpin, Glynda, Ruby, Nora, Qrow, Schnee family minus Weiss as well Jaques and team CFVY."

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