Chapter Six- Anthony *Trigger warning mention of suicide

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So apparently, using your powers is pretty fucking difficult. I knew it would be hard but I didn't think it would be this hard. I have managed to kick my own ass more than this dummy that has been set up for me to practice my attacks on. I've been going at this for two days now and I am no further along then I was when I was alone. The very most I've been able to do is making this blue orb from my hand.

I have visited with Nyx a lot recently, mainly to ask more questions and get my daily pep talks. I was able to learn that I am what is known as a celestial. Someone born of the stars and holds great power. If only I can find the damn on switch to them, we could hurry this along before Demetrius makes his grand appearance. The weight of the world is literally on my shoulders and I am freaking out.

I decide to take my frustrations out on this dummy; my powers don't work but my fists sure do. A tap on my shoulder rudely interrupts my assault, then I'm grabbed and pulled away.

"Dude, it's cool let it go, he isn't worth it." Stanley drags me away as I yell profanities at it. "You won Anthony, you showed that fake doll who's the boss." I feel like he is making fun of me.

"You damn right I did." I flop down on a log, taking a long pull from my water bottle.

"You seem stressed." This fucking guy.

"Yeah, Stanley I am stressed. My whole world has be turned upside down. I'm supposed to protect the entire planet, which by the way I have absolutely no idea how I'm even going to do that. Everyone expects so much out of me, and if I fail literally everyone dies. So yeah, you can say I'm a little stressed." I huff, sliding off the long and laying down in the grass. "I just wish I could really disappear, from everyone and everything."

Stanley lays down beside me, looking at me with so much pity.

"Get up, I wanna take you somewhere." He stands up, offering me his hand. I look at him like he's crazy.

"We really don't have time for a fieldtrip right now."

He sighs and pushes his hand at me again. "You are stressed and you need a stress reliever, so get off your ass and come on."

I roll my eyes but take his hand anyways. Before I am fully on my feet, in a flash we are on a beach. The ocean waves crash in front of us. "I had no idea you could do that." I fall into the sand, this place is pretty amazing. "My parent's hadn't gotten the chance to take me to a beach before."

"Actually I didn't bring us here, you did. I tapped into your powers to teleport us."

"Great, you can use my powers better than I can." I watch the waves as I slide out of my shoes and dig my toes into the sand.

"I just thought you needed a change of scenery. Being your protector has certain perks. I think once you have some down time, you will master your abilities in no time. You just can't give up."

"I know, you're right." I take a deep breath and look around. The ocean is huge, this was a good idea. I look over at Stanley who is also appreciating the view. "How long had you been looking for me before I ended up in the alley?" I ask.

"Almost two years. I didn't know much about you. Nyx came to me in my dreams and told me she needed me to go on a mission. I left out the next day." That almost leaves me speechless.

"So you left home at 16 and set out to find someone you knew nothing about?"

"Nah, I wasn't 16, I was 19 at the time. I just knew that if the Moon Goddess was sending me on such an important mission, I was in no position to question her. Once she set my course, I knew I was looking for something that I couldn't see. It sounds confusing, but as a Seer I can see the life source of any being. It's kind of like an aura. I just had to find a blank spot, which was pretty difficult."

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