Chapter Seven-Stanley

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         Pictured Demetrius

I knew something was off the moment I met Anthony. From the moment I realized who he was I felt drawn to him. I knew he needed my help when I heard his story, but I had no idea how right I was. Anyone who is mated to this psychotic shitbag needs all the help they can get. I feel for Anthony, and he isn't taking the news very well

"Stanley, please, this has to be some mistake there is no way this is true." Tears form in his eyes, and my heart breaks.

"I'm so sorry Anthony." I really was. I didn't want him to be Anthony's mate. I sh... anybody else on this planet should be his mate, not someone who would rather see him dead. He deserves so much more than that.

"Sorry sweetheart, its true. I'm your mate. Shall we share a kiss?" I gagged, not intentionally, but ew. He looks like he hasn't bathed in years.

"Absolutely no chance in hell would I ever kiss you. I'd rather kiss the fire chick, and I'm not even into girls." Zora rages, busting into flames and trying to march towards Anthony but is held back by Demetrius.

"Down kitty, you'll have your time." He purrs to her.

I stare at Anthony, still stuck on his last comment. "Oh shit, you aren't? I mean, Anthony maybe we should go back and talk to the Moon Goddess about this." That was smooth. Nobody suspects a thing.

Anthony quirks an eyebrow at me, and I just smile and shrug.

"You aren't going anywhere, Zora trap them. If he isn't going to be with me then he is against me."

Anthony reacts faster than I could. I try to push Anthony behind me, but he pushes past me in a fit of anger.

"I've had enough of this." With a grunt Anthony swings his arm wildly, sending the Deceitful six and Demetrius flying backwards in a cloud of smoke.

Before I can even blink we were back in Aquaria. I get to work rallying some of the witches to strengthen the boarders to widen the protection field so Demetrius can't take Anthony again.

I walk back to Anthony, I can tell his mind is all over the place. I try to rub his arm, you know as bros do. He pulls away from me before I can.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to let him get to you again, I promise."

"No offense Stanley, but I don't need your promises right now. I need to go speak to my mother, she has some serious explaining to do." With that he stalks off to find Nyx. Not gonna lie, that stung a little. I care about Anthony, I don't want to see anything happen to him. I'm just trying to help him.

With a sigh, I go find Sina to form a plan. I find her talking to Starla and Stefan, they are shapeshifters who have sworn to protect Aquaria alongside Sina.

"Hey, we need to get everyone together. Demetrius was able to use his magic and take Anthony from here. We need to figure out how he was able to do that and to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"I'm on it Stanley, no worries." Sina says with a salute.

"We'll gather everyone around here. We also have some friends coming with their packs. If Demetrius is wanting a war, he is going to get one." Stefan says confidently, and Starla agrees with a nod.

"I really hoped for Anthony's sake it wouldn't come to that. Now knowing what we do, I don't think there is away around it." I run my fingers through my hair taking a deep breath. "Thanks guys, I'll catch up to you guys when we meet back here in an hour."

I look towards the tree for a second, watching Anthony's figure disappear inside. I hope he gets the answers he needs.


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