Chapter Nine-Stanley *Edited*

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~AN- I'm not going to make you guys wait.

We lost. Not only did we lose, but we lost Anthony too. The plan should have been flawless. We go in, take out the bad guys and we get out. I thought that I was strong enough to keep Anthony out of it. I underestimated what we were up against, and now I've failed everyone. I've failed Aquaria, the Moon Goddess, and I failed myself. What do I do now?

"Guys, I am so sorry. I don't know how this happened. It wasn't supposed to be like this."

"It's ok Stanley, nobody blames you. You did nothing wrong. We should have planned better."

Everyone agreed in unison. Sina was right. We should have planned better, doesn't change the fact that I was his protector and I couldn't protect him when it mattered the most. Nyx is going to kill me. I think I deserve it at this point.

I slowly walk to the housing pod I've been living in since I was given my mission, I definitely need some time to think and figure out what we do now. My heart aches and I feel so lost. Anthony was turning into to someone I really held dear to me and to lose him like that, It stings. Realizing there is just no way I can sit at home I shift and I run along one of the many rivers here in Aquaria. it's so beautiful here and a great place to try to clear my head.

I lay down at the rivers edge, watching the glow of the angler fish as they swim by. My head is so scrambled and I don't know how to quiet it.

"You just need take a step back and look at things from another perspective. Try to find where things went wrong."

My wolf Kai tells me. He may be right, the only problem we went wrong by me ever allowing Anthony to go in the first place. I should have known it was a trap, that the sneaky bastard would have something up his sleeves, I just didn't listen to my instincts.

I shift back when I hear rustling nearby. Nyx herself comes walking out of the trees and takes a seat beside me.

I try not to cry as I look up at her.

"Nyx, I am so so sorry. I tried, I really did try." I break, the tears fall from my eyes and I just can't stop them.

She places a hand on my shoulder and sighs softly.

"This is not your fault Stanley. Everything you did, was the way you should have. Never doubt yourself."

I cry harder, she doesn't understand. "But I lost Anthony. I finally bring him to you and he dies, all because of me. How could you ever forgive me."

She pulls me into her chest. "Sweetheart, I could never blame you. Never. Anthony knew the risks of going up against Demetrius. Somethings just need to happen in order to get the outcome we need."

I look at her confused.

"Are you saying Anthony needed to die in order for us to win?"

"Something like that, yes. Right now is the time to pick ourselves up and we fight another day. This is our story, and it's only us who writes the ending. How will you end yours?"

I feel a surge in my heart and I know she is right.

"I'm going to fight, I'm going to avenge Anthony and I am going to kill Demetrius."

She smiles and hugs me again. "That's my boy. You are going to be the best protector. Just never give up, remember, your job is not finished."

And it wasn't. There was so much to do and only two days to do it in. Shifting back into my wolf I take off towards the waterfall, I have to get everyone together so we don't lost anyone else. I send a very solid thanks to Nyx, she truly is the best Goddess anyone can ask for.

Coming into the clearing there are a few people around. Sina is talking to Stefan who seem to be already in motion.

"Guys we need to get everyone together so we can start working on a plan to take down Demetrius."

Sina smiles. "We are way ahead of you Stanley. The troops will be here by morning. We have so many coming in from every Planes, there is no way Demetrius is getting away this time."

She was right, come hail or highwater we were ending this, and I will get my revenge for the loss of Anthony.

It seems it's not just me that is feeling the loss of Anthony. Taka comes over to me, whining softly.

"I know big guy, he didn't get to spend much time with you did he?" He presses is head into my chest, pushing me towards Nyx's tree.

"Why are we going there buddy? What's wrong?" He is still whining and pushing me towards Nyx. I look around to see if anything is out of place, but not seeing anything. Maybe there was something wrong with Nyx, is that why he is pushing me to her? Is she more upset about losing Anthony than I thought? I have to make sure she is ok.

"It's alright buddy, I'm going." I rush towards the tree, praying to.. well I guess I'm praying to her, that she is ok. I take a deep breath and go inside. I was not prepared for what I saw.

Nyx sitting in her chair, beside him.



AN~ Oh snap, what's going on? Very short chapter I know. Poor Stanley he was so hurt. We gotta find out what's going on here. See ya next time.

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