Chapter 1

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War, It had always tormented the land sense its discovery by two young brothers, going against their kings wishes building a van to start the civilization and soon turning into a bloody battle for freedom, The war was quickly won the two brothers grinning at their new found freedom and the community they started from it. However they needed a government who would rule over the people without keeping all the power for themselves. That's what the king of the SMP did before bribing a Lmanburg citizen with the crown to blow it all up. A Election the brothers would surely win writing a short rule book and creating a campaign to run as President and Vice President of their country they fought for. They didn't account for the two other parties that would quickly join the running. Pog2020, SWAG2020, and Coconut2020. In the end SWAG2020 won with the tyrant Jschlatt as the new president quickly exiling the two brothers from the home they had fought so hard for. Quickly creating a new war between Pogtopia the brothers new home and Manburg. The older brothers mind slowly went to insanity, he took up heavy smoking as his mental and physical health went down the drain. It all ended quickly with a boom leaving only pieces of homes, and a cave where a man stood holding a sword through his own sons chest holding the boy as screams left his lips. Years later the younger brother, his father, and best friend remade the country he and his father building a home where the cave once stood stairs leading down to the room where his brothers last moments took place his writings carved into the stone and left in the dark as the world thrived above the history leaving the house to rot.

The air was fresh, the light beaming down onto the city. Cars driving through heading to work for the day. The town had the college town fall vibe orange leaves falling onto the ancient ground, a chilly wind blowing through the air. A new moving truck pulled up on the driveway of one of the many houses in the area. It wasn't that big, but it would work for the teens, It being an original to the area the first built after the destruction of the second war, Two large oak trees stood in the front while the house was built of wood and several other materials. Behind the house was a large lake which the teens all were excited to go fishing in and having small bonfires on the bank. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo all fresh out of college and ready to do something with their lives alone for once. They called each other the bench trio all meeting on a small bench at recess in elementary school, that created the best friendship they ever. Yes, they occasionally fought but they always figured it out in the end, but this time they wouldn't be able to go to completely different homes if they were to fight this time, they would all be under the same roof.

"Holy shit guys this place is way bigger than I thought it would be!" Tubbo smiled fixing his overalls after the long drive, mostly the small bee pin that sat on the strap of the overalls. As he jumped out of the passenger seat of the truck He had fluffy brown hair that almost covered his eyes but a bright expression on his face. Tommy, a straggly teen with blond hair, with a mysterious white stripe through the bangs that even when dyed never disappears, wore his classic red T-shirt and some baggy blue jeans and red high-tops jumped out of the back. "Tubs I told you it was pog!" a large smile spread across his face as he turned to the smaller boy. "You know locals say its haunted!~" He laughed as Tubbo rolled his eyes shoving his friend to the side, "C'mon toms that's probably just some old tale to scare kids right boo?" A taller person peaked around the side of the van, his multicolored hair shining in the autumn sun, wearing a black tank-top with a pink Hawaiian shirt and black jeans. "Yeah, Toms I doubt this place is actually haunted if anything they were probably scared of you." Ranboo chuckled carrying a large box marked "Kitchen" In black bold letters. "Now are the two of you going to help or stay out here like bumps on a log huh?" Ranboo snickered as they headed up the porch steps opening the old wooden door into a dark empty building, the old wood filling the inside with an oak staircase leading up the stairs. "Uh Tommy, I thought you said they replaced everything?" Ranboo turned around only to hear snickering from behind the truck. He decided to shrug it off and continue inside, it was definitely old dark oak wood filled the walls as the rickety staircase stood off to the side in the doorway. Next to the door was an opening to a carpeted room. Ranboo walked inside seeing a large room with a entrance to a tiled floor. He walked in seeing the old kitchen appliances and a wooden table with a marble top in the middle of the large room. He sat the box down and went swiping his finger across the black counter tops getting a layer of dust stuck to his finger with a hum. "Ah! You motherfucker!" Tommy screams Ranboo dashed back to the doorway in time to see him fall into the house a box sliding about 3 feet away from him. "HA, I TOLD YOU I'D WIN!" Tommy boasted standing up and flipping the bird towards Tubbo who was making his way up the stairs with 3 boxes practically covering any sight he had. "Hey toms?" Tommy quickly turned around on his heels with a large grin on his face, almost like you had just gave a 4 year old a bucket of candy on Halloween, " Yessss Boob?" He chuckled quickly starring back. "I thought you said they were going to redo the entire house this all looks original." Ranboo questioned motioning to the walls and stairway. "Oh! They got told off for trying to replace everything, so they just made sure everything like electrical and plumbing worked and fixed some weak spots so almost everything is original all the way back to after the Lmanburg war!" Tommy grinned leaning on his heals hitting the stair banister "Cool isn't it." Tommy smirked more. "Yeah, I guess as long as I can't fall through the floor...We got to do something about the dust though." Ranboo chuckled heading back outside while Tubbo followed suit having put his boxes in the respective rooms. Glaring at tommy giving the boy the bird as he dashed outside back to the moving truck. Tommy sighed staring at the fallen box walking over and picking it up and turning it around to find the writing on the side. "Tubbo's Room" A sigh exited Tommy's mouth as he left the box by the stairs, hoping that all the rooms are upstairs. "Tommy stop being a bump on a log and come help us out here!" Tubbo yelled from the doorway as he headed into the living room setting a box on the carpeted floor. Tommy turned and ran out the door almost bumping into the other teen on the way grabbing several of the boxes out of the back and rushing inside. After several trips all the boxes where either in there respected rooms or on the staircase ready to be brought to the rooms once chosen. The three boys sat at the old table each with a paper plate full of peperoni pizza and some garlic bread. A large pizza box and a smaller one sat next to it in the middle of the table. "Guys hurry up I wanna check out the upstairs already!" Tommy whined already finished with his pizza ready for adventure. "Toms-" Tubbo swallowed the bit of pizza in his mouth "We all got to go up there together to pick out rooms and see everything up there." Tommy rolled his eyes in response to Tubbos lecture. "Don't you roll those eyes at me young man." Tubbo pointed his garlic bread towards tommy with a chuckle. They soon finished their food with more complaints from tommy and more lectures from Tubbo, while Ranboo sat in quiet enjoying their pizza. Tommy finally convinced the other two to head upstairs and explore the undiscovered part of the home dashing out of the room once the two agreed. Tommy waited by the stairs bouncing like a small child as he waited for the other two to arrive at the stairs. "Tommy I swear you are a damn child." Ranboo sighed watching Tommy stop mid bounce and glared at Ranboo as though he had just insulted Tommys mother and dog . "I. Am. Not. A. Fucking. Child!" Tommy yelled stomping his feet . Not even two seconds went pass when Tommy jumped from the stairs tackling Ranboo to the ground with a loud THUNK! The two boys laid on the wooden floor tommy throwing fake punches and Ranboo and Tubbo were laughing their hearts out. After several minutes of torture tommy finally gave and allowed Ranboo off the floor as they all stared up at the pitch black upstairs all curious of the mystery's it held.

A/n: Hi! thank you for reading my brand new book "Ghost of the lands" I hope you enjoyed the first chapter as I will do my best to create more, and yes I know the DSMP is over but I haven't moved on from that part of my life It helped me through some tough times and I can't seem to let go. I'm hoping that writing a book like many others like me will help me finally let go anyways I hope you all stay around for the ride! Also small note with Ranboo's pronouns I am using the current ones on his twitter which are He/They I will be checking frequently incase they do change so if they change In the newer chapters after they do I will be switching his pronouns if I do end up missing an update on pronouns PLEASE let me know so I don't misgender them in new chapters. THANKS! LOVE YA HAVE AN AMAZING DAY/NIGHT!

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