Chapter 5 - A Crash Course In Magic

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Pitch-black darkness. Neither Professor Fig nor Coraline had expected the glowing symbol to plunge their surroundings into darkness upon activation. Coraline gasped lightly as she felt the cool metal sensation from the glowing symbol disappear into dust, causing her hand to slip forward through what had previously been the door. 

"Lumos!" Professor Fig immediately stated, causing the tip of his wand to burst with light allowing them to see their surroundings.

Gone was the small, narrow corridor from the vault, having been replaced with an expansive room far beyond what they could see with the light from Professor Fig's wand. White stone columns so tall that they couldn't see the tops of them were all symmetrically placed a few meters apart, giving no clues as to where they would need to go.

"Hmm. This is no ordinary vault. I suspect we will need to earn our way out of here."

"What do you mean, 'earn' our way out? Do you think this is some test?" Coraline questioned as she turned to face him. 

"I do, but to what end, I can't say," he paused for a moment, thinking. "You should cast Lumos as well. It's a fairly easy spell but extremely helpful in situations like this. Do a small, gently flick with your wand pointed upwards with the incantation Lumos to cast it."

She nodded and gently flicked her wand, "Lumos!"

The tip of her wand burst with light, immediately chasing away some of the shadows around them, allowing a bit more visibility with their surroundings. She gasped softly in excitement at the spell casting properly. 

"Perfectly executed, Miss Evans. When you want to extinguish the light, you can gently flick your wand again with the incantation, Nox, or cast another spell. Now, stay close. There will be no disapparating if things go poorly."

Professor Fig did a small circle around himself; with all of the stone columns identically looking, he was unsure which way to go.

"Revelio!" Coraline swished her wand again, extinguishing the light that was coming out and replacing it with the transparent light blue force field of the revealing charm. It passed through several of the columns surrounding them but did not reveal anything that would help them determine the way forward. 

"Hmm. That was a good try, though I doubt the maker of this place would allow it to be that easy to progress."

"Eh. It was still worth trying, just in case. Lumos!"

Eventually, they just started walking in a random direction, hoping they were going the right way. Neither of them was sure how long they had been walking until Coraline spotted bright white magic swirling up from the floor several paces ahead of them. 

"I see something up ahead!" She briefly pointed toward it with her wand before raising her wand back up and walking toward the swirling magic.

Professor Fig scanned the room around them, confused as he didn't see anything, "What is it?"

"That white glow again, but on the floor this time," she said slowly, confusion heavily lacing her voice. 

He followed behind her as she led the way to the swirling magic that was brightly glowing white, arriving in a circular area without any columns. She paused upon reaching the small puddle of swirling magic on the ground, staying a few steps away from it, unsure what to do. Professor Fig could only watch as she attempted to figure out what to do next since he still couldn't see what she was looking at, despite standing directly beside it. 

Finally, she decided to step onto the small puddle of swirling magic, watching as the magic changed to swirl around her figure instead. Without even thinking, her body leaned over, pointing her wand to the ground, and then quickly moved to point her wand at the ceiling. The swirling magic followed her wand without hesitation and exploded into the air around them with a bright white glow, similar to the blue force field from the revealing charm. 

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