Chapter 8 - Wizarding 101

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Coraline squirmed slightly as she watched the other students filter through the doors to the Great Hall for breakfast. She was infinitely more nervous now than she was when she arrived late to the Sorting Ceremony the night before. Nevertheless, she took another deep breath and followed the other students into the Great Hall. She walked down the side of the Ravenclaw table, looking for her dorm mates until she finally spotted Devin's long ginger hair at the end of the table closest to the Faculty table. As she approached her dorm mates, Sammie spotted her, immediately waving her over to sit beside her.

"Coraline! It's about time you were able to join us! I was beginning to get worried I would have to fifth-wheel on my own for the entire Breakfast this morning," Sammie said with a wide grin and patted the bench area next to her.

After sitting down in the spot next to Sammie, Coraline quickly noticed two students next to them from other houses. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she did not expect members from other houses to be sitting at the Ravenclaw table.

From across the table, Robin saw Coraline's confused expression, laughing lightly, "Coraline, I believe some introductions are in order," she gestured to the dark-haired Slytherin sitting directly next to her, "This is my girlfriend, Imelda Reyes. The ginger-haired Gryffindor Mooncalf staring at Devin is her boyfriend, Garreth Weasley."

At the mention of being a Mooncalf, all four dorm mates burst out in laughter, causing Imelda and Garreth to lean forward to look at each other, slightly confused by the four's antics.

A couple of moments later, the confused expression on Garreth's face morphed into one of realization, "Oi! I am definitely not a Mooncalf!"

"Sure, lover boy, whatever you say," Sammie teased with a bright smile as she grabbed herself another piece of toast.

Coraline's eyebrows furrowed as she couldn't figure out why his name was familiar until her eyes widened with intrigue as she tilted her head slightly, "Wait, Weasley? Like Professor Weasley?"

"Yup, she's my aunt," Garreth responded with a small smile as he reached across the table to add a scoop of eggs to his plate.

"What's it like having a professor that's your aunt? Is it weird?" Coraline asked as she surveyed the different food options around her, trying to decide what she wanted to have first.

"She tends to treat me as if I'm a first-year student and likes to keep an annoyingly close eye on me. But she means well, so it's fine."

Garreth shrugged, clearly used to the professor's hovering. Coraline hummed lightly in understanding and added some eggs, toast, and fruit to her plate.

Imelda looked Coraline up and down with a small smirk, clearly sizing her up, "So, you're the new fifth-year. Quite a dramatic entrance during the Sorting Ceremony last night, and then you also have the dragon attack rumors. Enjoying the attention?"

It was now Coraline's turn yet again to embody a Mooncalf at Imelda's statement, completely caught off guard to the point she was frozen in place by the sudden questioning about the dragon attack once more. Granted, she probably should have expected the dragon attack to be a constant topic throughout the day, as a dragon attack like that rarely ever happens. However, it was definitely not an event she wanted to keep being reminded about, especially since it resulted in the death of a long-time friend of Professor Fig.

"Oh hush, love, leave the poor girl alone for at least today; she's my friend and my dorm mate. Let her get her bearings together before you start sizing her up," Robin shook her head at her girlfriend's antics.

"I wasn't sizing her up! I was just asking -" Imelda started to try to defend herself but quickly stopped talking with a small, sheepish smile on her face after a single glance from Robin.
Coraline began to recover from her surprise, slowly moving to continue eating the few fruit slices she had added to her plate to allow the others to sort things out themselves.

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