Chapter 10 - All Roads Lead to Hogsmeade

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Lunch was quite similar to breakfast as Sammie, Robin, Devin, Imelda, and Garreth excitedly shared all of the major events that had occurred in their morning classes. When Robin started talking about their Defense Against The Dark Arts class, she turned to Coraline so she could talk all about her duel with Sebastian, but it was immediately obvious that the blonde's mind was elsewhere. Imelda started to try to get Coraline's attention but was quickly stopped by the other Ravenclaw girls, allowing Coraline the opportunity to sit with her thoughts and process everything that had happened thus far.

It wasn't until the other students were starting to pack up their belongings to head to the next class that Devin gently nudged Coraline, bringing the girl's attention back to the Great Hall. Coraline was beyond grateful that her friends didn't make a big deal out of her lack of attention in their conversation; just another thing that Coraline absolutely loved about this small friend group she found herself in. When the group had reached Central Hall and was about to split ways, they accepted Coraline's request to head over to the Bell Tower Courtyard on her own without any sort of arguing. While Devin may have internally disagreed with Coraline, knowing that it would be extremely easy for her to get lost on her way, she recognized Coraline's need to explore and find things for herself. Thus, the others left her to find her way to the Bell Tower while the rest of them headed off to their next class.

Coraline was able to find her way rather easily, as it did help that they had gone to the Bell Tower Courtyard during Charms class for Summoner's Court. And exactly as Professor Weasley had said, Sebastian was leaning against the wall to the left of the large, ornate doors that led out to the courtyard. As Coraline crossed the main floor of the Bell Tower, Sebastian pushed himself off the wall and moved to stand in front of the doors.

"Ah! My new 'charge.' I'm told you're in dire need of supplies and that you require an escort to show you around Hogsmeade, Coraline," Sebastian stated as he tilted his chin up, a smirk pulling at his lips.

Coraline smiled and laughed lightly, "You are indeed correct, Sebastian. Professor Weasley thought it'd be best to have an escort for my first trip to Hogsmeade."

"Well, I shall endeavor to be the very best of escorts for you then. Shall we?"

Sebastian pulled open one of the large doors and gestured for Coraline to enter the courtyard first. Another small smile graced Coraline's face as she shyly tucked a small strand of hair that had escaped her bun behind her ear and stepped into the courtyard. A moment later, Sebastian reappeared at her side and led the way down the path toward the large stone wall and the open gate.

"I'm glad Professor Weasley asked me to accompany you today," Sebastian finally stated after a long stretch of silence as they walked through the open gate and out onto the wide stone bridge.

"As am I. Thank you, by the way, for agreeing to," Coraline stated, taking a moment to look over at him before looking down to adjust her grip on the strap of her book bag that was draped across her chest.

"Of course! Besides, you're the only one who's ever bested me in a duel. So the way I see it, I'd be wise to keep an eye on you."

"Very wise thinking. You sure you shouldn't have been placed in Ravenclaw?" Coraline teased with a wide smile.

"Very funny, Evans," Sebastian bit back with an equal level of teasing.

"Oh, back to last names, are we, Sallow?"

Sebastian shook his head, his shoulders moving slightly in silent laughter, allowing a natural lull to settle over them. Coraline took the opportunity to look at their surroundings past the stone bridge they walked along. Now being a bit away from the castle, Coraline was able to see Hogwarts in its full glory, and it was far greater than she could ever imagine. This view of the castle also brought upon the frightening realization of just how unbelievably massive it was, far beyond what she had explored thus far. She was starting to understand why her friends had been a bit hesitant about walking to the Bell Tower on her own, with how easy it was to get lost due to its size.

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