may 26th, 2023

17 1 0

I've stood on the edge of this lake for so long and yet the water still can't remember why you aren't there with me.
-11:48 AM

I wonder if you still walk there, where we first met 

In that grassy field across from my grandparents house 

You looked at me like I was the first person you had ever met 

Like and life was new to you for the first time 

Was it?

I wonder if you still go to that playground, we named our first band there 

You gave me your hoodie in the fall, torn up sleeves and all 

I still have it

Do you even still remember me in death?

Or am I just a faded emotion? 

I remember you in life, but does your ghost still remember all the things we did? 
-11:38 PM

We talked the day before it happened. 
You were just getting out of psych. 
We were planning my trip up there to come out and see you. 
I'll never get to hear your voice again. 
You never left me a voicemail 
There's a bittersweetness to never having a last voice-mail 
On one hand
I picked up every call
And on the other
Your perfect melody of speech will never bless my ears again. 
You could always think of something
Weather it got you in trouble or not 
Where is that now?
You my dear, are turned to ash 
You always complained about your skin being ashy 
I told you it was a prophecy on what would happen to your body 
I never meant it
I knew you wanted to be buried traditionally. 
Your mother wouldn't pick up my calls.
I don't know if I'll make it to the funeral
I'm unsure whether or not this should be an apology to you or not for not being able to keep you here on this plane of existence, but either way 

I'm sorry.
-11:48 PM

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