may 31st, 2023

4 0 0

10 years into the future I'm still going to look back and wonder how I could ever do that to myself
-7:29 AM

You’ve always meant something to me, I just don’t know what that is yet.
-10:03 AM

I will hold the rain and sky before I kneel before someone like you
I will rip the cosmos apart before I think about going back to you.
You will not hinder my soul
You never did
So don't you DARE think you did
Medusa has granted me to reign terror on you so don't you think for a fucking second I wouldn't rip you apart at the chance you pathetic excuse for a human being.
I have Athena on my side ready at the word.
From what I hear you're not on very good terms with either of them.
But you know what?
I don't wish what you did to me upon you.
I wish for you to scream and kneel and beg for my forgiveness.
-8:20 PM

The worst part about all of this
Is I will never scrub the feeling of you off me
I'll scrub for hours until I rip my own skin apart until I bleed and your touch will still BE THERE.
How could you possibly curse me like this?
You were supposed to be my safety net
And you cursed me with not only my weight, but also yours.
I'll never get the feeling of you off of me.
I know my skin cells have renewed since then but you're still there.
You always will be.
How do I get you off?
-8:33 PM

I don't want to be one of those poets that kids have to analyze in school
I want to be a poet who saves kids from school
A poet who makes a kid love poetry
A poet who helps kids minds run free
I never want a kid to look at my heart and soul and be bored.
How could you do that to an artist?
-10:40 PM

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