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September 4, 1995

After dinner, Ariana decided to tell Carter, Aiden, and Benjamin about her summer. They all sat in the dormitory that she shared with Violet, Pansy, Daphne Greengrass, and Millicent Bullstrode. Violet had shooed the rest of their roommates out for the moment so they could all talk.

They were all rather uneasy when Ariana told them. Aiden was the most understanding, since his dad was a Death Eater. But he was completely horrified thinking that in the previous year he was trying to pursue the Dark Lord's daughter. Benjamin was scared at first but he knew Ariana would have hurt him already if she intended to. But Carter...

"You were the one who put my father in the hospital?" Carter seethed when Ariana confessed. "He was in there for two weeks!" Wizards usually didn't spend more than a day at the hospital unless it was really serious. The healers at St. Mungo's were gifted and could usually heal their patients on the spot.

"Carter, I already apologized. What else do you want me to do?"

"I had never seen my father so broken in my life, Ari." She gulped back tears. "He was always so kind to you when you came over. He even gave you a Comet 290 before it even went on the market!"

Ariana sighed with remorse. Carter's dad owned the Comet Trading Company so it probably wasn't that hard, but she still felt awful for injuring him back in June. "I know... But I couldn't help it." She remembered how her father pushed her buttons. Only just meeting her after fourteen years, but already knowing what would make her do his bidding. "My father..."

Carter shook her head, upset. "You're just as sick as he is." Carter picked up her things. She felt guilty for what she just told Ariana but her pride kept her from apologizing. "Thanks for including me, Ari. But I got to go." She smiled to herself when she thought about where she was heading. "I'm meeting up with Lars at..."

"Wait... Lars? As in Lars Belmont?" Benjamin frowned. "Gryffindor's substitute beater?"

"The really attractive Lars Belmont with anger problems?" Aiden asked.

Violet was interested in the conversation. She had never really heard about Lars Belmont. He was a fourth year like Carter and he was the substitute beater for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He filled in whenever Fred or George Weasley were unable to play. He was well built for being only fourteen. He had dark hair and green eyes that many of the younger students drooled over.

Carter nodded. "Yes, that Lars Belmont." Carter didn't want to admit it, but she did like the Gryffindor boy. She liked his confidence and friendly nature. His nasty temper was only something that made her like him more. It just meant that he had something that he believed in and he would fight for it.

"Nice job, Carter! I never knew you had it in ya." Ben went to high five the fourth year.

Carter kept her hands at her side. Benjamin was standing by the door, blocking the way. She tried to move past him but to no avail. "N-no! It's not like that!"

Benjamin smirked knowingly. "Is it?" He knew Carter had a weak spot for attractive boys.

"Didn't he beat the crap out of Erik last year?" Aiden asked. He stood next to Benjamin, the two beaters blocked the exit to make sure Carter couldn't leave.

"Yeah..." Benjamin looked to the side recalling the incident. It happened the first week Durmstrang and Beauxbatons came to Hogwarts. "He almost stabbed him with a wooden stake. Where did he even get that?"

Ariana was impressed. 'How did he immediately realize that he was part vampire?'

"I have no idea." Aiden thought it was weird how he had the stake on him. "Lancaster was so mad when he showed up, though. He deducted twenty points from Gryffindor. He said it was a terrible way to greet the new guests."

"Yeah," Ben nodded. "McGonagall gave him two weeks detention."

Violet shook her head in disapproval. "Are you sure you want to date him, Carter? He sounds cute, but he seems like he can be pretty scary."

"We're not dating!" Carter insisted. "We're just partners for our Herbology project!"

"But we all know you wish you were dating," Benjamin teased. "He's freaking gorgeous."

"What about me?" Aiden pouted.

Benjamin held his hand. "You're my volcano."


"He may be a pretty face, but you're scorching hot like a volcano." Benjamin kissed his pouty boyfriend.

"Aw! That was actually pretty good!" Violet complimented. "Volcano... I have to tell that one to Gregory." Violet slipped past Benjamin and Aiden and walked out of the room to find Goyle.

"I'll get going now," Carter said annoyed, following Violet out. "See you all at breakfast."

"That went well," Ariana commented sarcastically.

Benjamin put his hand on Ariana's shoulder. "Well you did beat the shit out of her dad."

Ariana thought that he was going to console her but it was the opposite. She pushed his hand off her shoulder and scowled at him.

Aiden pulled the boy away from her. "That wasn't helpful, Ben."

"Well it's true! I'd be pretty upset too if it was my dad!"

Aiden groaned and opened the door. "Good night, Ariana. I'll take this idiot back to Ravenclaw tower."

Ariana sighed out loud as she fell back on her bed. "You do that. Good night."



Wah!! Carter-chan is mad! 。・゚゚・(>O<)・゚゚・。

I wonder what happens next!!!! Lol jk I already have most of fifth year planned out. But really, Carter getting mad came out of nowhere.

Lars is a new character that should pop up every now and then! Doesn't he sound precious? (*^ワ^*)He is @BehindTheBelmonts's OC in this really interesting RP he did with @trenchkoats and the character I made for her: Carter. He was kind enough to let me use him for this story. So much thanks to him!

Vote... comment... yeah, you know the drill.

<3 Rosie

UPDATED: June 13, 2015

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