First time on an island/Meeting trouble

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I'm going to tell you a story about a girl. A girl who was incredible and unique.

About the monkey who liked her.

About another girl and a stick who she became friends with.

And about the adventure of a lifetime.

Well... it seems more like a quest for immortality or something like that

But to figure out how this story goes, we must first know how it begins.


There is a baby in a basket. Her vision sees two blurry figures telling them something important.

The last thing she heard was...

"Don't hide. Live. Find someone to take care of you. They'll see you as something special."

And then the basket was placed into a nearby river and was swept away into the ocean. It kept going on for hours with a storm. Luckily, the baby couldn't hear anything. She appears to be a heavy sleeper.

When the morning came, y/n spent the last few days out at sea surviving.

As the days went by, she went from baby to toddler.

And one day, she found herself in reach of an island.

When y/n came onto the island, she began to wander around looking in her surroundings. But she had to stay alive

The first thing y/n did was try to build a shelter. And surprisingly, it worked out

The next day, y/n was 6 yrs old. She was wandering around and she suddenly fell. When she woke up, she was surrounded by monkeys.

She got up and they were afraid, but a bit curious of the human girl.

So to get to know them better, she spent the last few weeks bringing them bananas. Or coconuts.

One night, she went to go for a little walk. But what she didn't know was that there was a little red monkey spying on her in the trees.


Monkey kings pov:
Okay. Okay. I know I'm still a little guy. But let's just get real for a moment. For real this time. I remember coming out from a rock. Lasers out of my eyes. Me using coconuts for making a big bad dummy for a bad guy.

Anyway, I was running out of coconuts so I decided to get some more.

It was night time. Nice and quiet. But then I heard a noise.

Like a twig snapping, so I decided to go see what it was.

But when I went hiding in the trees, I saw a human. It was a girl, but she was small like me.

All she did was just walk and sit down right next to a tree.

I couldn't take my eyes off her.

So I decided to go see if she was okay.

But I fell and she woke up and got scared. We both couldn't stop looking at each other

Y/n's pov:
I saw this little red looking monkey and it was just looking at me.

I got up real slowly cause I didn't want to startle him. And he had green eyes.

I hit the coconut on the tree. And split it in half

One piece for me

And one for him

He slowly starts walking towards me and takes the piece with his hands

And he looked back up at me

And he smiled

We both smiled at each other and ate the food.

He didn't really look like he had a home, so I just decided for him to come stay with me.

Luckily he agreed.

We both got into bed and he laid next to me. And then I put my arm around him keeping him safe

And we both went to sleep

Monkey king x Fem! Human reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang