The new life of y/n

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"Alright people. Let's start from the beginning. Let's just go back a little.

My name is y/n l/n. I was born on an island with monkeys. And then I left. And for the last 2 years, I've been the one and only... ninja woman. I'll fill you in on the rest.

I lived with monkeys.

Made a new friend.

I couldn't really bring him along with me cause it would be two dangerous

So now I'm on the search for my parents.

And I don't do friends with other humans. Just to avoid any distractions

But one day, when I was walking I saw this weird creature attacking another human.

I couldn't stand by.

I had to do something

But I couldn't let anyone see me so I found an outfit that would help me keep my identity a secret

After that I tried some skills and was able to defeat the beast

And right when the person was about to say something, I fled

I looked at myself in the reflection and thought "this could come in handy."

Which brings me to where I am today.

Right now I'm still thinking about my parents and even thinking about that monkey I used to be with.

I'm just hoping everyone on the island will be okay."

So that's when I began doing some things

Turns out my life wasn't so bad.

And a whole new life was just beginning

Monkey king x Fem! Human reader Where stories live. Discover now