The ultimate rumor

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Monkey king pov:

It was about like a few months already and I still had one more demon to go before I could join the immortal ones.

"Ugh. This is taking forever. How long have we been doing this for?" I complained

"Calm down." Stick said

And all the sudden, we both got hungry. So we went somewhere to get a bite to eat.

That's when I accidentally bumped into a feathery lady.

"Watch where your... oh. It's just some sort of monkey man." The lady said

"Oh. Sorry bout that. We didn't see you there." I apologized

"Uh... we?"

"Yeah. Me and stick."

"Hi there." Stick hummed

"Ah. Right! You must be the monkey king I've been hearing so little about." She said

"Oh. Hi there. Monkey king. Nice to meet you." I said

"Likewise. Well Mr. King, that's pretty clever with all the fighting you've been doing. For a monkey." She said suspiciously and offered me a drink

"That's a weird thing for a mortal person to say." I told her

"Oh dear monkey. I'm not like you. I'm Eda the Owl Lady." Eda said

"Owl lady?" I asked

"Well duh. There's a reason why people call me that. I was cursed as a kid but I chose to accept it as part of me. That's why right now I'm in harpy mode, which is what I like to call it.

"Nice! Well we appreciate your hospitality, but I think me and stick should get going." I said

"Alright. Just don't get caught by the person in the shadows." Eda said

I stopped at those words.

Person in the shadows? What is she talking about?

"What person in the shadows? What are you talking about?"

"I've been hearing rumors that have been going around every day."

"What rumors?"

"Well, that would be a reference to the one they call "ninja woman". From what I hear, she's been doing the same job as you. I don't think she does it to join anyone. She probably just does it for fun." Eda said

I immediately got curious. We both did and we sat down with eda.

"Can you... tell us more about her?" I asked

"Sure thing. But it might be a long story."

And she began

"No one really knows who she is or where she came from. Just that whenever there's trouble with monsters. She'd be there to stop them.

The first time I saw her, I was in the woods. I was still thinking about what to do since I accepted the owl beast.

But one night, I was walking back home and saw a weird looking creature.

I started fighting it, but it just kept on coming at me and I couldn't take anymore of it. It just seemed like I was gonna faint.

And then, when I thought I was a goner, that's when she appeared out of nowhere and kicked him in the face. She did all these impressive moves.


Jumping high in the air

Quick as a bunny


She even had her own weapon of her own. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing at first, but I couldn't look away either.

And then with one final punch, the creature was knocked unconscious and fell to the ground

And she turned back to look at me to see if I was okay.

I nodded yes, cause I had no words or any idea of what just happened. *chuckled*

And then she fled

When I got back, I began flying around other places to see if I could spot her.

But everywhere I went, I began to hear rumors of people seeing a cloaked figure saving peoples lives and stuff.

They called her many names.

The shadow figure, dark lady, the kunoichi. All that kinds of stuff.

But she decided to go with the title "ninja woman"

And trust me. I don't blame her

It's got a nice ring to it.

And that was pretty much the last time I saw her. She hasn't been seen by anyone ever since.

Maybe she's doing something, fighting other monsters, fulfilling her own way. Who knows?"

I was stunned and stick was too

"One girl did all that?" I asked

"Yep." Eda said

"Wow. I mean, wow!" I exclaimed

"Yeah. Pretty crazy right?" Eda asked

"No way! I thought we were both just stopping bad guys. What are the odds she might come back?"

"I don't know if she could." She said

"Maybe we could get a chance to meet her, stick." I said

"Yeah. She'd probably make a perfect addition to the team." He hummed

"I know! She seems like a great hero." I said

"Right. Anyway, it's getting little bit late. You should probably find somewhere to rest up." Eda said

"Oh, don't worry about us. We don't sleep until we've conquered 100 demons! Come on, stick! The world needs us." I said

And we jumped through the roof and jumping off trees looking for the next village to save

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