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The morning is still young. That means you still have time before the ship arrives. You quickly dart out of your bedroom, grabbing your palm-sized compass before throwing yourself into the nighttime air. You swore it almost smelled like smo- oh god.

Smoke rose into the air as cannons fired at your hometown. But why were they attacking here? What did they have to gain? "Dirk! Wake up!" You only hear muffled groans. "Wake up! The town's under fire!" With that, your twin was by your side within the minute. "What do they want?"

"I dunno. But they're willing to do anything to get it. C'mon!" The two of you race into the fire, and towards the two massive ships that lay in Port Carne-vale, setting the city ablaze. "You catch up to the Culler and I'll get the Crusader, aight?" Dirk nods to you before sprinting towards the larger of the two ships.

He'd better not hurt himself out there.

You hear cackling behind you, and turn to be face to face with a legend. First mate of the Crusader. Leader in the Prospit plunder of a year or so before. The infamous Terezi Pyrope. The blind prophet.

"Ey, Vris! Look who we've got here! Someone's still alive!" A girl in a captain's hat steps out from behind a structure's corner, her grin revealing a row of teeth filed to points. Vriska Serket. Captain of the Crusader. You're quite overwhelmed, to say the very least.

"Hey, kid. What's your name? And why're you alive when the city clearly shouldn't be?" You're too awestruck to do anything but choke on your own words. Two of the most prominent rulers of the sea, and they're talking to some lowly landweller like you!

That is, you're awestruck until you recall local legends.

The crusader doesn't leave survivors. You swallow a lump in your throat, reaching a hand out to shake. "Strider. Dave strider. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Serket." Surprisingly enough, the captain actually shakes your hand, turning to her first mate. "This one seems like a keeper, aye? Quite willing to take orders, aren't you, boy?" All you can do is nod, keeping the flawless poker face that your family is known for.

"Then welcome to the Crusader's crew, Strider." And with that, the notorious pirate whacked you in the back of the head with the flat of her sword, all as Pyrope cackled.


You wake up with a throbbing headache, looking around confusedly before you remember the events of earlier in the morning. The room around you was walled with stunning stained wood, parts of it carved to elaborately depict the Crusader's past adventures.

It was breathtaking.

"Good nap?" The ship's captain leaned against the doorway, hat tipped to cover her eyes. "Yeah, I gue-"

"Fantastic. You'll start work after you eat something. Be prepared. Nep'll show you the ropes.." The captain- now your captain, exits the room, leaving you to speak with a short, curly haired girl with the tail of a cat.

"You're Strider, I purrsume?" You take a moment before remembering the cat girl from letters and local news. "Nepeta Leijon? Probably the best fencer in all of the Alternian?"

"You know who I am?" Leijon grinned, seemingly surprised. "But of course. And it's an honour to meet you at last," You smirk and shake Nep's hand, "so you're the one showing me around?"

"Yep! I'm sure you'll like the crew, too!"

"From what I've heard, they're the most badass group of pirates in all the seas."

"You've heard right!" The auburn haired female stood up straighter, grinning.

"Fantastic. So do I get more piratey clothes? Or maybe a sword? A sword would be awesome." You clutch your compass in your hand, its metal warming from your prolonged contact with it.

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