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Cover art is by me.
DOCKED AT DERSE, 18:30. May 5

The Crusader was fast approaching the dock at the island of Derse, so you didn't have much time. You had to find the only other person on the ship who had more power than you-Vriska-and tell her about your plans to go visit Pyralspite's forest on the island.

Quickly going down the halls of the ship, you sniffed her out on the floor just below the deck. Right where she should be, getting ready to start yelling out her orders and steering the ship. "Terezi?" She asks. "We're five minutes away from Derse, you know."

"I know. I was going to alert you of the fact that I will be going to visit a certain magical dragon on the island."

"Okay." She said simply, seeming to not have a problem with that at all. Vriska ordered everyone on the ship around constantly... Except for you. At first you thought it was just because you were the first mate, second in command, but you were beginning to think it was something more.

With that strange eye of hers you knew was hiding under her eyepatch she could make just about anyone do anything she wanted. That, judging from past events, included you. But the problem was that no one in the entire planet (except for a select few) knew about this strange ability of hers, meaning that they had no idea how dangerous she really was.

So overall, there had to be something big going on for her to let you do whatever you pleased.

"Just be sure to come back to port in about an hour!" She called out after you had already started walking away. Like you didn't know about how to manage your time. But alas, it was still nice to have a reminder.

After the ship docked and you climbed down the exit and onto the sand of Derse's beach, you sniffed out Nepeta tying the ship down with the help of someone else nearby. "Going to visit Purralspite?" the girl inquired as you walked by, rolling out the dragon's name with a touch of the sound made by a cat.

"You got it." You say, stopping by her. "I rarely get to see her so it's best to take advantage of the hour that I have today."

"I know what you mean! Back in Lion City I used to have a pet cat named Pounce de Leon, or Pounce for short. She was fun to play and hunt with even though she got tired easily." Nepeta laughed. "But when the town got torn apart, she died along with most effuryone. I still miss her, even though if you hadn't done that stuff to my hometown I wouldn't be the furocious purrate I am today.

"Sometimes I had work or other things to do which meant less time with Pounce. Soon I had so much things to do-training, school, and the like-that all the free time I had was hard-earned and spent with her."

"I'm sorry about your loss."

[ T I M E S K I P ]

You walk through the large-ish forest in the middle of Derse, many scents wafting through your nose which showed you the many plants and animals nearby. With your strong senses, it wasn't very long before you found her.

Sure enough, Pyralspite was curled up in the branches of a large tree. You figured it must get boring for her out here so you tried to visit often. Not only that, but Vriska wanted you to keep in touch with her as she was, as quoted by Serket herself, 'a valuable asset in battle that could wreak havoc on our opponents including the Culler.'

Well it didn't help much that they had the terror known as Gl'bgolyb on their side. You've heard that she could kill people across the world by raising her voice above a whisper. Not like it mattered, because the Crusader was going to come out on top!

Quickly climbing up the tree to your dragon friend, you sit down on a thick, sturdy branch by her and she wraps one of her large, silvery white wings around you. <Terezi! Hi!> you hear her voice in your head as she telepathically communes with you. In response you rub the scales on her back, right where she likes it best. <Want to go for a ride?> she asks, happily laying down while you sit, rubbing the top of her head.

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