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Name: Mercury 

Gender: female

Age: 12

Personality: with bipolarity 

Nationality: unknown

"Let's get into the popularity!" - Mercury 

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"Let's get into the popularity!" - Mercury 

Mercury is a blonde and kinda smug girl with her heads into popular guys in the high school, mostly into Liam. Despite that, she still does have a care into those she, with some of the other kids, usually call freaks, including to Mars and Jupiter a little. Mercury has a bipolar personality and can cause her to violently change the way how she feels like going from happy to a big anger.

She's shown to have a little of parents issue, possibly because she recently turned into a teenager, but she mostly hides it in secret. She might be that a little smug, but she is also a good friend after all.

 She might be that a little smug, but she is also a good friend after all

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