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Name: Lynn

Nicknames: Lee (mistaken), the rose boy.

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: always looking in bad mood, but feels other emotions in the inside.

Nationality: unknown

Nationality: unknown

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"... Leave me alone" - Lynn

Lynn is Liam's older brother. Unlike from him, he's always showing a bad mood, while carrying his other emotions in the inside. When Liam was 8 they went to London and came back when Liam was 10, but his parents weren't there when they came back, and Lynn's left hand looked burnt. He knows what happened to them, but rather not talk of it, since it causes him to get violent everytime he remembers it.

Lynn suffers Asperger and anger problems, usually having only a relationship with his young brother, but it's better to stay away from them when they're having a sibling fight. Despite that, he's seen to care about him and the fact about his friends.

Some of the kids call him "the rose boy" by the fact they mostly see him holding a rose in hands, but they don't know that Lynn had a personal past issue with a childhood friend that has a relation with the rose. He once disappeared without a trace, only leaving a note saying he went back to London, but this was a lie to hide from something unknown, coming back 1 week later.

Despite mostly playing a violin, he loves more the piano. He's sometimes being a planet Pluto.

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