Chapter 8: Birth of Megaforce Cosmic Fury

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(Toad and his friends are seen at Ryan's office as he sits down on his chair and faces at them.)

Ryan: I know you have questions, and I believe both Toad and Patrick can answer them to you.

Toad: The reason why you guys have been chosen to assist me and Patrick is because you're exactly like them.

(Toad points at the pictures of Megaforce Society united as they rebuilt Union City, turning it into Neo Bellwood.)

Ulrich: You mean we're related to them?

Patrick: Nope, but we have the same goal. Ryan inspired Toad much before he came to Earth, that's why he became the Red Dino Fury Ranger. You and Jaina are good friends, and even more than that. That's why you are the Blue Ranger and Jaina is the Pink Ranger. (facing Herbert) You and Laura always cared for each other like real siblings. That's why you're the Black Ranger and your sister is the Green Ranger.

Laura: Considering my disapproval for skirts...

Toad: And finally, Patrick is a good friend of mine, just like his ancestor Han Solo to my ancestor Luke Skywalker. That's why I became the Gold Ranger.

Maria: And now for the reason why dad picked you guys to help Toad and Patrick.

Patrick: Doctor Doom wants to take our equipment so he can become a new dictator of Academy City, much similar to his government in Latveria.

Laura: And what happened to the Avengers?

Ryan: Ever since Black Widow sacrificed herself for Ronin to obtain the Soul Gem, Iron Man sacrificed himself to stop Thanos and Captain America got too old to fight, the Avengers got disbanded... and subsequently, each one of the remaining Avengers got ambushed and killed.

Jaina: Who could ever have such power.

Ryan: My daughters investigated what happened, and informed me that Doctor Doom was the responsible for the deaths of the Avengers and your families

Ulrich: (shocked) Doctor Doom?

Herbert: (shocked) How did he do this alone?

????: He didn't, he hired some recruits to help him.

(Taiga, Ryuji, Kotaro, Kyle and Flint walk inside the office.)

Taiga: He hired Taskmaster, Abomination, Claw, Femme Fatales,  Kingpin, Spider-Slayers, Crossbones and Speed Demon.

Laura: So they're the ones who killed the Avengers. We were so blind.

Ryan: And that's why I asked them to bring you here. It's time.

Ulrich: Time for what?

Ryan: As a member of the Megaforce Society, I sought to find worthy recruits to become heroes.

Ulrich: You mean...

Ryan: (nods) Yes, when my brother and Grimlock first formed the Alien Dino Thunder Force to protect the world from corruption, villains, rapists, traffickers, fakers, rogue monsters, devious aliens, numerous mutations, and warlords. Ulrich, it's time to rise up and gather your friends to defend this city. Are you ready?

(Ulrich gets shocked as he turns to his friends and teacher who smile and nod in agreement.)

Ulrich: We are.

Ryan: Good. Toad will be the leader of the Megaforce... COSMIC FURY! Now go and save the city from Doom's grasp and other crimes.

(Then everyone prepares to transform.)


Taiga: Kivat!

Kivat: (comes in) Alright. Kivatte Go!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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