2 - Intro

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Royals -

Morales family - Myles Morales, Miles Morales, Billie Morales, Rio Morales and Jeff Davis.

Prabhakar family - Pavitr, May Prabhakar, Gayatri Prabhakar (married into family), Millie Prabhakar.

O'Hara family - Miguel O'Hara, Gabriella O'Hara and Jeane O'Hara.

Rebels / Commoners -

Brown Family - Harv(ey) Brown and Hobie Brown.

Stacy Family - Gwen Stacy, George Stacy, Helen Stacy and Daniel Stacy.

Parker Family - Peter Parker, MJ Parker and Mayday Parker.

Techno Family - Margo Techno, David Techno, Mavie Techno and Mandi Techno.


There are two parts of the world, Royals and Rebels.

It's the rebel's job to respect and work for the Royals.

It's the Royal's job to watch for the land, to watch out for their subjects.

The rebels aren't called rebels, More like.. Commoners.

The rebels normally crash parties.

The Royals normally punish them.

Royals and Rebels are born enemies, from before anyone could remember.

No Royal liked a Rebel and no Rebel liked a Royal.

That will never change.

Atleast that's what every Rebel and Royal thought.

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