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The demon's tears unfurled in his brilliant eyes after setting foot into the coffee shop; the cozy atmosphere danced around him as the cool breeze that tickled his ears faded in its presence. sight. Everything seemed to turn to a blur after keeping that drastic memory to heart. He clutched the locket that dangled on the nape of his neck dearly. 

Fall was of the essence, as the world around him mixed in a blur of primary colors, warm and dull, which swiftly evaporated seamlessly to the warmer shades of the color wheel.

The smooth notes of slow jazz songs flowed around him, the complex, but soulful harmonies of saxophones. Though most of the songs were not written to be sad, when put into context, it was the most heartbreaking of all. How can one imagine the world ending in the midst of happy music?

 Nostalgia, was it called? A beautiful thing, a feeling that couldn't possibly fit in a single book; the feeling of longing for something unreachable, but once seen.

 But people, people were intricate, so hard to find out, to comprehend; a puzzle that changes second by second.

Even so, he was a demon, no percent of human DNA ran in his blood. Maybe, they'd be closer than expected, feelings were a mutual inevitable thing across races, but there was nothing quite like the brains of humans.

Effortlessly beautiful, Vox was, even while being a mess, and partaking in the cruel business he always lets himself go in. Living for years on has kept his remaining consciousness in a choke hold. The consciousness that allowed him to love like he did. Like they did.

One by one, each death he watched built upon the foundation of his heart, thoroughly piercing him, though knowing he would regrow from the anguish. Even Prometheus would scowl at the cruel punishment he embarked on. Yet, he stood looking unbothered, now ordering black coffee at a corner cafe.

The man looked so calm, though hints of sadness managed to leak through his eyes; the held-back tears delaying the signs of their presence. Instead, he smiled, highlighting the cherry-red lips that managed to stay hydrated throughout the frosty weather. He tackled his thoughts as they hung on a thin wire, begging him to release them.

 Vox's knuckles had begun to clench, lengthy nails tearing at the sides of his legs, grasping onto whatever flesh it desired.

He smiled, but the joyous intention didn't quite reach his eyes. It was as though he wanted to have a complete breakdown, yet could not feel the correct emotion. Confusion poisoned his thoughts as his brain became murky as the mud footprints that stamped the autumn leaves as he walked out.

His legs quivered, though not from the howling and bustling of the wind. It seemed to call him to sit down. To collapse.

His heart beat out of his chest as his legs subconsciously made their way to the wooden bench. It was a goal much too high, though only wanting to rest. He hobbled with each step, leaning with the directions of the wind as if he had become a particle himself. 

Vox placed his foot out, one in front of the other, in order to not slip up. His heart thumped to the beat of each individual raindrop, and he could no longer feel the world around him. It was only him, alone and isolated, the wind even seemed to stop in order to not cross paths with him and his despair.

He collapsed, missing the bench that was in front of him. The demon broke down into ugly sobs, destroying his rather dominant nature, but he didn't care, he didn't care at all. His chest tightened as he took in heavy breaths, covering his face with his fingers spread wide, his eyes bulged through the cracks left in between. 

His stomach filled with red butterflies, ones that hungered for flesh; a beauty that ate him from the inside, seizing him from the life he had every right to own.

If there was something to hold, anything. He squeezed the coffee mug in between his hands, no longer cradling it with gentle affections. He watched as holes punctured into it, spilling as abundantly as his own tears, and dampening the cuffs of his coat.

"Goddammit Vox..." His own voice played on repeat in his head, slowly traveling through his mouth. Volume increased as he added more bittersweet curses between the words, finally lowering down to a scratchy whisper.

"How long are you just going to watch..?"

He spent time, curled up on the bench, muttering selfish lies as he cried. He felt as though his fingertips began to dig at his skin, searching for something of value. Red scars tainted his face, making way for the tears that flowed between the swelling.

Make way for the sun.

A leaf, gold and crisp, fell onto Vox's shoulder, making him jolt even being as light as it was. The leaf stood out from the tree it fell from, shining a gold color with green and red veins.
Despite the hour of crying and despair, he wholeheartedly chuckled at the sight of the leaf, blending into a world it didn't quite fit into. 

It cut into the path between the world and his own isolated one, a treacherous journey, all to get to him. Suddenly, the worlds were connected once again.

He couldn't help but chortle at the sight of it, finally free from the throbbing in his chest, instead of feeling isolated, he felt free. Though his eyes were puffy, he managed to let a light laugh go wild. The rain smelled nice, it felt nice, emancipating him from the previous gloom.

"We're one in the same, aren't we?" The demon said, enclosing the leaf in a plastic sheet protector, and placing it down in his notebook to use as a bookmark. He leaned his head on the metal armrest of the bench, and looked up at the autumn-themed sky, as he combed a lengthy hand through his own hair.

Though his eyes were swollen, it felt as if a weight had been taken off of his chest, as if the autumn skies cleared the dense air above him with its free-falling tears of rain. The shades of the sky began to morph as though it were that leaf; and the rain once again, made way for the sun to leak through.

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