.3 " eye to eye "

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Shuichi's POV:-

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Shuichi's POV:

As Shuichi sits at his desk in the police station, he glances through the latest news reports.

A new article catches his eye, reporting a mysterious heist at an art museum near town. Apparently, expensive artefacts were stolen, and the perpetrator remains unknown.

Just as the article mentions the thief is said to be the notorious Phantom Thief, Shuichi suddenly sits up straight in his chair. He knows this could be big, could this be the breakthrough he's been looking for?

As Shuichi reads the article, a plan starts to form in his mind. If this is indeed the work of the phantom thief, and they have struck again, it would make sense for them to pick the same target for another heist.

As he ponders the idea, a thought strikes him. Why not try and catch the thief in their tracks, by guarding the same museum? With the thief's previous success, they might return to the scene of the crime to steal more.

Shuichi decides to speak with his boss and request to guard the museum himself, hopefully catching the thief in the act.


Later that day, Shuichi meets with his boss to discuss his plan.

"This phantom thief has been eluding us for months," he says. "Maybe guarding the museum this time could be a way to finally catch them."

His boss hears him out, and finally nods. "Alright. I've got your back. We've got the museum surrounded, so you'll be able to catch that thief without a problem."
Shuichi nods in agreement, feeling confident that he is on the right path. He heads out to the art museum, ready to catch the thief in the act.

'but what if it fails.. or what if the thief never shows up..' shuichi quickly shakes his negative thoughts out of his head and start working with the plan.

Time skip -

Kokichi's POV:

As Kokichi looks over the newly beefed up security at the museum, he feels a twinge of excitement.

"Well, this has just gotten interesting," he thinks to himself with a grin. He makes a plan to sneak into the museum and take some of the artefacts, while also luring Shuichi into chasing him to the rooftop, where he can torment him and get away. His plan is to pull off the heist and have some fun with the famous detective, which seems like a perfect plan to him.

Later that evening, Kokichi makes his move. He sneaks into the museum and quickly finds a way inside. He finds himself in the dark corridors of the ancient building, his heart pounding with excitement as he creeps silently forward. The sound of his footsteps and breathing fills his head, but he knows he must be careful not to get caught.

After a few moments of tension, Kokichi makes it into an exhibit with valuable artefacts. He approaches the glass display and quickly works on picking the lock. His heart races as he hears someone approaching outside, but he ignores his instincts and continues to focus on his task.

stoled your heart !!what are you going to do ?( saiouma AUWhere stories live. Discover now