Chapter 2

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After the interview session, I was asked to wait in a room which pretty much seemed like a band practice room.

Well tbh I almost guessed what this meant but I was trying to keep calm and hold my excitement, so I can celebrate after the undeniable confirmation.

Time went by yet no human showed up to the room where I was told to stay and there was my tum making sounds begging for food.

Well it's past 2 pm now and me being someone who skipped my brekky to hurry up here, I can no more stay hungry. And I'm definitely not skipping another meal. Nah never.

I took a deep breath deciding to step outta the room and reached the cafeteria with the help of few company staffs.

What actually slipped my mind in my hunger is the fact that the company cafeteria would never feed any people without the company food card.

I was so close to lose my mind when the cafeteria staff told me they can't provide me anything to eat without the food card, even though I was so ready to pay in cash. "Nice rules companies like you has." I rolled my eyes scoffing.

"Can I atleast have the privilege to a bottle of water? I mean, look I understand your rules but granting a bottle of water to a starving human who was called by the company, to the company for the interview of a variety show on a Sunday morning is a least to be asked you see." I sighed, blaming myself for not thinking of such situation that could happen.

The cafeteria staff contemplated a bit before heaving out a sigh and handing me a large cup of instant ramen and a cola.

"It's on me. For humanity to live." He smiled softly and I swear, at that moment in my eyes, he was an Angel sent by God for me, to feed me.

Bowing 90° multiple times thanking him, I happily grabbed the ramen cup and the cola bottle, and skipped my way to a table nearby.

Rubbing my hands in excitement, I began to have the noodles and it felt like heaven. A starving tum and a yummy hot spicy ramen is a bliss not gonna lie.

When I was almost done eating, the lady staff who guided me to that secluded practice room walked towards me.

Striding towards me she heaved out a sigh "Eunji-ssi! I was looking for you everywhere." She huffed.

I just nodded looking at her and slurped the last few strands of my ramen. "Just what are you doing here Eunji-ssi?" She sighed walking closer to my table.

"Urgh I don't know, maybe sleeping?" I replied her with a shrug.

"JYPnim and PDnim wants to meet you." She informed chuckling slightly.

Nodding at her, I stood up taking a sip of the cola. "So refreshing!" I mumbled licking my lips savouring the flavor and followed her to meet JYP and that whoever PDnim was.

Entering the CEO cabin, I saw JYP and the man who asked me to justify my reason seated on sofas each. "Oh here she comes." The man looked at me smiling.

Pointing at the unoccupied sofa, JYP flashed a formal smile at me. "What did you do to him, Eunji-ssi, that he's so biased towards you already?" JYP chuckled looking at the other man.

"Well rather than me saying, how about you watch it hyung?" The man scooted to the edge of his sofa and placed a tab on the coffee table that sat between us.

My jaws almost touched the floor when I saw myself in the clip, the time during that interview or whatever session it was. And then there was also the earlier moment where I answered her I was sleeping at the cafeteria.

When I was too dumbstruck, the man chuckled taking back the tab. "Hyung, I won't lie, she really lived upto her reasons within this short span of time." He spoke.

"Gentle as Channie, sarcastic as Lee know, judges like Hyunie and...." He looked at me holding the cola bottle ".....and loves food as Binnie." He chuckled.

'Well I didn't mean only about being a foodie when I told I'm like Changbin though.' I silently rolled my eyes understanding that he perfectly, totally completely misunderstood it.

But I won't bother explaining myself. If it is viewed that way, may it be. Not gonna waste my energy that I just obtained.

Laughing at the man's supposed joke, JYP looked at me and I flashed him an awkward smile in return.

"Alright, Eunji-ssi getting down to business. You'd be needed to stay with straykids during the whole shoot of the show. And ofcourse conditions applied." JYP started.

My eyebrows furrowed a little wondering about what the conditions could be. "There are two main conditions I'd like to mention." JYP continued on a serious note.

"One, since this show is based on idols tryna impress and pursue a girl as you may know, it requires your heartbeat be monitored 24/7 by our team and staff members. That will help us determine the winner who actually really fluttered your heart the best and is the 'Real Charmer' in the group." PD-nim quoted.

"And number two, the boys shall not cross thier boundaries on and off cameras during your stay. And we hope you respect thier private space too." JYP stated.

I nodded at him understanding the conditions and he handed me a file. "Here's the contract agreement for the show. You can take your time to read it and if you're fine with the conditions, you may sign it." The CEO spoke.

"But do keep in mind that if let this chance, there are more people waiting for this opportunity, little lady." He added  with a smug smirk.

Rolling my eyes internally, I read the contract in silence while the men stepped out to discuss something. Everything seemed perfect except the one line that stated- The contract comes to an end after the show has ended. And you are required to join the JYPE as a trainee officially.

The line got me hesitant as never in my life did I really fascinate about becoming a celebrity or an idol. Contemplating if I really should involve myself in this situation I stared at the paper when the two elder men came in.

They both looked kinda tensed, the smug smirk was wiped off JYP face while PDnim was visually nervous. "Did you sign the papers yet?" Jyp settled on the sofa acting cool while the Pd silently settled on his place.

"Well, not yet. I am kinda hesitant coz I have never really fascinated to become an idol or celebrity to be honest." My voice trailed off slowly.

The men exchanged glances for quite sometime with Jyp glaring at the other man occasionally. After few minutes of an awkward silence, the ceo sighed.

"It's alright. We can talk about it later after the show is done. We can outrule that condition if you still felt the same after the recording of show." He stated giving me no more reasons to hesitate.

I signed off the agreement quickly and handed him the papers smiling brightly. "Alright. Eunji-ssi hope to have a great time working with you." The PDnim smiled, more enthussically than me and extended his hand for a handshake.

I bowed at him slightly as I shook his hand when JYP concluded that I need to move into the skz's dorms tomorrow prior to thier official announcement of the selected candidate, giving me a thunder of shock.

'How am I going to pack all my necessary stuffs within short span of time?' I internally screamed at him while actually flashing a polite smile as I nodded at them.

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