Chapter 1 - New start

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A/N: Small mention of self-harm.

"You're a freak!"
"You don't belong here!"
"You will never be part of this colony!"
"Go back to Hell, demon!"
Those words haunted me and as I stared out of the train carriage window I heard them once again in my mind. I was on my way to Jericho to take up a new teaching post at Nevermore Academy. It was a school for outcasts and I was the very definition of that.
I was born with feathered wings like so many of my family before me and collectively we're known as Wingers. Wingers are very rare nowadays and my family is one of the last standing colonies in this part of the world. But I'm an even rarer kind, I was born with black wings instead of the usual white. Black wings are seen as a terrible omen that can bring misfortune or even total destruction to a colony, so I was banished. I was forced to fend for myself at a young age, not knowing what the hell to do or how to handle these things I'd been cursed with. When I was at my lowest point I tried to hack them off but it didn't work and the pain was excruciating.

Instead I created a leather harness to strap my wings down so I could conceal them, I also made it with mechanisms to stop them from bursting out involuntarily. Sometimes it was a little painful to wear, I could feel them twitching and spasming wanting to be free but eventually I got used to it. I frequently wore long trench coats so I could hide it underneath and only took it off when I was completely alone.
For many years I hid myself away from the ridicule of society. I didn't have many friends and I'd never had a serious relationship, in fact I was still a virgin. I couldn't bear the thought of someone seeing me so exposed, wings and all. But this new start would soon change that...

When I saw the job vacancy at Nevermore I started doing my research on the school and I was amazed. This place was full of outcasts like me! Vampires, werewolves, gorgons, faceless, you name it! I felt like I'd finally found a place where I could belong. Although there didn't seem to be any Wingers I knew that I wouldn't be judged here. I could share my passion for literature with the younger generation and hopefully make some new friends along the way.
I submitted my application and the Principal responded to me the very same day to arrange a video call. I made sure I was wearing my harness for the call because I didn't want to frighten her or think I had some sort of weird background filter on. I was so nervous but she made me feel at ease right away, asking me about my experiences and skills. I'd never taught in a classroom before but through my own isolation I had read many books and even written a few of my own so I was well-versed in literature.
The Principal herself was lovely. Our conversations accidentally diverted a few times when we discovered we had things in common. I wasn't sure if it was because I hadn't spoken to someone so friendly for a long time or if it was how pretty she was but I could have talked to her for hours and hours.
A few days later I received a phone call from Principal Weems telling me I got the job. I was ecstatic! I felt so embarrassed as I burst into tears down the phone but she was kind and touched by how much this meant to me. I packed my cases and left the next day, leaving my old lonely life far behind.

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