Chapter 4 - The trip

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A/N: Mentions of body issues, self-harm and attempted suicide.

Two days later I received a text message from Larissa asking me to come to her office as soon as possible.
"I was wondering if you would like to accompany me into Jericho today for a spot of shopping? I need to pick up some things and I could use another woman's opinion" she asked when I arrived.
Luckily it was a Saturday and I didn't have any plans.
"Sure. What are we buying?"
"Let's see" she pulled out a small shopping list from her drawer, "I need a birthday present for a friend, a new dress for the Rave'N and some face cream".
"Ok, that sounds doable. Not sure how much help I'll be though, I'm useless with fashion".
"Oh nonsense! Besides just having you there is enough for me" she said affectionately and I felt a little giddy.

We drove into Jericho half an hour later, chatting idly on the way.
"So how are your lessons going Eve? Are the students behaving?" she asked.
"They're great actually, especially that Wednesday Addams. Did you know she's writing a detective novel? She let me read some of it and it's really good!"
"She did? She must like you then, even her best friend hasn't read any of it".
"It was only the first two chapters just to give her some feedback".
"You gave her feedback?! And you lived to tell the tale?!"
Larissa nearly crashed the car she was so flabbergasted! I found it funny how shocked she was but I was a little confused. I'd heard Wednesday was a troublemaker but surely she wasn't that bad?
" that so strange?"
"No, it's impressive! Wednesday doesn't let her guard down for just anyone. But I've always known you had something special".
"Really?" I said, flattered.
"Yes darling, you're very well-read and you understand outcasts better than anyone I know. The students really connect with you and the staff respect you".
"That's so kind of you to say Larissa".
We exchanged a fond smile before my wings spasmed aggressively in the harness, so much so that it physically hurt me.
"Ow!" I winced at the sudden pain.
"Are you alright Eve?!" Larissa panicked.
"Yeah I'm fine, just...wing trouble".
I shifted about in the seat and once they had calmed down I was able to relax again. In the momentary stillness, Larissa squeezed my knee.
"It's ok dear, we're nearly there now" she said soothingly.

The town was surprisingly busy when we parked up. It was autumn so the place was littered with red, orange and yellow leaves. There was a chill in the air that made me thankful for my knitted red scarf but I forgot my gloves so I kept rubbing my hands together for warmth.

We headed to the dress shop first. I already had my outfit for the Rave'N so I just waited patiently while Larissa tried on various outfits. She must have gone through at least ten different dresses but she always found something wrong.
"Too short".
"Too long".
"Too tight".
"Too loose".
"Too plain".
But to me she looked stunning in every single one of them.
To help her out (and speed the process along) I went along the rails and picked out a garment for her.
"Try this" I said, while she was finding fault with yet another dress. I handed her a long sleeved silver dress with square shoulders and v-neckline, it shimmered in the light and looked like it would go just above her knee.
"Oh my word, how did I not spot this one earlier?" and she ran off back to the changing room to try it on.
When she stepped out she looked even more stunning than before! The dress fitted her figure perfectly and I could tell by the huge smile on her face that this was the one.
She stood in front of the mirror brushing her hands down her sides and twirling around so she could view it from every possible angle.
" look-"
I noticed her smile had vanished and her hands were covering her tiny belly. I was baffled why someone as ethereal as her could be self-conscious, especially over something so small. I needed to reassure her that she was anything but fat, so I stood behind her and gently moved her hands away.
"You are not fat Larissa. You look incredible" I said softly to her reflection. We gazed at each other in the mirror for a few moments then she turned to me, still holding my hands.
"I thought you said you were useless with fashion?" she said.
"I am. But anyone can see that this dress is perfect for you".
"I guess I should buy it then".
"If you don't I will" I joked.
She giggled and went back to the changing room, giving me one last smile over her shoulder before she closed the curtain.

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