Chapter 5 - Flight

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The night before the Rave'N I was applying my new moisturiser on my scars when I heard a knock at the door.
"It's only me darling" Larissa said through the wood. She always did that to let me know I didn't have to wear my harness, I threw my shirt back on and answered the door.
"Hiya" I greeted her, rubbing the excess moisturiser from my hands.
"May I come in?" she asked.
"Yeah of course" I said, a little alarmed by the sense of urgency in her voice.
Larissa walked to the centre of the room, avoiding eye contact with me and fiddling with her bracelet.
"I was wondering you to...accompany me to the Rave'N tomorrow?" she said that last part very quickly.
"I thought I already was? We're chaperoning the students aren't we?"
"Well yes but...actually it doesn't matter. Forget I said anything" and as she went to leave it dawned on me what she was really asking me.
She stopped and faced me with hope in her eyes.
"Sorry, I'm a complete idiot. I would be honoured to accompany you Larissa".
I did a little bow that earned a child-like giggle from her.
"So shall I come to your office around 6pm?" I asked.
"Yes, six is fine. I can't wait!" she said with glee.
I grinned knowing that it was me that made her so happy.

She spotted the bottle of moisturiser on my bedside table, "how have you been getting on with the cream? Has it helped?"
"It has actually. There's a few places I can't reach but I think I got most of the scars".
"Would you like some help?" she said, stepping closer.
I was taken aback by her offer and my insides tensed at the thought of her seeing me topless, even if it was just my back.
"'s ok. I'm sure I'll get it somehow" I said dismissively.
"Is it causing you pain?"
She could see right through me, as usual. I nodded.
"Then let me help" and she held her hand out for me to give her the bottle.
"Only if you're sure" I said as I gave it to her. She replied with a heartwarming smile.
"Turn around and lift your shirt up" she said softly and squirted the cream on her hands, rubbing it in to make it warmer.
I did as she instructed. I cringed as my shirt gradually revealed more of my back. There was a pause before she said, "ah yes I think I can see where you meant". I hissed when I felt her apply the cream between my shoulder blades. The area was very dry so it stung at first but her touch was so gentle and delicate that I felt a soothing relief wash over me.
She applied the cream to a few more dry patches then told me she was all done.
"Thank you Larissa, that feels so much better already" I slurred.
"You're welcome dear. I'm more than happy to help. Any excuse to see these exquisite wings" and she stroked some of the feathers on my right one. I felt my eyes roll back at her touch, it was like electricity sparking through my entire being.
"I see you flying around the grounds at night you know and it's wonderful. You seem so free. I wish I had that natural ability to take flight whenever I wanted" she said dreamily.
"Couldn't you just shift into me? Or something else with wings?"
"I could, but I wouldn't know how to use them properly because it's alien to me, so I would probably just fall and hurt myself".
"Well I've done that too" I said shyly but we both laughed.


The next night I knocked on Larissa's office door, straightening my shirt and tie while I waited for her to answer.
"Hey are you rea-" I started but trailed off when I saw her in the dress I'd picked out and the earrings I'd bought.
"Wow" was all I managed to get out.
"My eyes are up here Eve" she said playfully.
"Oh sorry! You just look...well I don't think they've invented the right word yet".
She blushed and giggled, I loved it when she did that especially knowing I was the cause of it.
"Thank you sweetheart, you're too kind".
"Are you ready to depart Ms. Weems?" I said in a courtly voice and I held my arm out for her to link with.
"Certainly Ms. Blackwell" she reciprocated in the same tone then locked the door and linked my arm.

The Rave'N was a lot of fun! Larissa and I couldn't stay together the whole night as we had to mingle and keep an eye on the students. But somehow we always ended up back with each other, chatting over the punch bowl under the disco lights.
When the event was over and the last few students had left, me and the other teachers began cleaning up. But Larissa dismissed everyone early on saying she'd hired a cleaning team to come over in the morning instead. As I went to leave she put her hand on my chest, "ah ah, not you dear". I didn't question it I just stayed beside her, I was her plus one after all.
When everyone left, she closed the doors and took out her phone. The speakers came back on and a song started playing, 'Like Real People Do' by Hozier.
"Would you like to dance Ms. Blackwell?"
"I-I-" I felt so awkward because I had never danced with someone before.
"Don't worry, I'll lead".
She took my hands and put them on her waist as she put her arms on my shoulders. We swayed in time to the music, the words of the song saying our true feelings instead of us.
"I had to dance with my date at some point tonight" she cooed.
"Y-your date? I thought I was just your plus one".
She laughed and shook her head, "no dear you're my date tonight and you look gorgeous".
My wings started to twitch and squirm at her words. I held back a cry of pain, but she could see my discomfort and held my cheek. Our faces drew closer and closer...
The hall doors flew open and a bunch of drunk students burst in shouting and laughing loudly.
"What are you doing back here?! Go to your rooms and sober up NOW!" Larissa bellowed at them and they scarpered. She was scary when she was angry!
"Why does this keep happening?" she said under her breath as she rubbed her temples. Then another genius idea came to me.
"Meet me on your balcony in fifteen minutes" I said to her.
"Ok...what are you up to?" she asked curiously.
"You'll see" I replied and jogged out of the hall.

I ran up to my room, changed my clothes and removed my harness. I flew over to Larissa's balcony and she was already there waiting for me, like Juliet waiting for Romeo.
I glided over and climbed down.
"Before I do this I have to you trust me?" I said and she frowned like I should already know the answer to that.
Another gift that Wingers possess is great strength. To Larissa's shock I scooped her up bridal style and told her to hold on to me tightly. I stepped up onto the ledge and she let out a little shriek when she saw the drop below us.
"It's ok I've got you" I reassured her, "you want to know what it's like to fly? I'll show you".
I took flight into the midnight sky and we flew a couple of laps around the school. She was scared at first and buried her face in my shoulder but eventually her yelps turned into gasps of wonderment as she took in the aerial surroundings.
"I've never seen Nevermore like this before! It's amazing!" she shouted over the wind.

We arrived back on the balcony and I put her down steadily. Her hair was all over the place and her cheeks were pink but she was wearing a massive (slightly dazed) smile.
"That was...exhilarating!"
"Are you ok?"
"Yes...just a little...dizzy" she wobbled on the spot and started to fall but I caught her just in time.
"You'll definitely sleep tonight!" I joked as I sat her in her desk chair.
"Oh yes I will. What a way to end the night!"
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I can carry you to your bed if you're still feeling dizzy?"
"Yes...I-I mean no that's quite alright. I'll just sit here for a while" she said.
"I'll get you a glass of water then" and I walked over to the other side of the room and poured out a glass for her. But by the time I returned to her she had nodded off.
I chuckled, she looked so peaceful. I left the glass on her desk and scooped her up. I laid her on the couch, took her shoes off and put a blanket over her.
"Sweet dreams Larissa" I whispered.
I kissed her on the forehead then left via the balcony again. 

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