Chapter 2 - Friend

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I stepped off the train at Jericho station and already it felt like my world had changed into technicolor. The sun was shining and the air was fresh, for the first time in a long time I felt optimistic about my future.
"Ms. Blackwell?" I heard a voice call. I looked around and saw Principal Weems waving jovially as she jogged over to me in her heels with a clutch bag under her arm. She was easy to spot as she was head and shoulders above everyone else on the platform.
"Wow! That's her?!" I thought.
She was a true beauty. Platinum blonde hair pinned up in a classic style, sparkling blue eyes full of warmth and kindness, and a dazzling smile framed by bright red lipstick.
"You made it! It's so wonderful to meet you at last, I'm Principal Weems" and she held out a perfectly manicured hand for me to shake. Her skin was cool and as smooth as silk.
"Hello. It's great to meet you too. I'm sorry I'm a little late, the train was delayed" I said apologetically.
"Oh not to worry, you're here now and that's what matters. Let me take one of those bags for you, my car is just around the corner".
Before I could stop her she picked up my heaviest bag and carried it to her car with impressive ease.

When we arrived she showed me to my room first so I could drop my bags off then gave me a tour of the school. It was the most extraordinary place I'd ever seen! The gothic architecture was beautiful, the library was huge and the students seemed to love it here. We then went to her office to go through some paperwork.
"Now there are a few gaps in your record that we're required to fill in" she said, flipping through various documents.
"OK, fire away".
"Firstly as part of our school policy we have to know the abilities of each member of staff, just so we know what to expect from them. I myself am a shapeshifter. You've ticked the box for having an ability but not stated what it is?"
"I-I-" I couldn't believe I was about to tell this beautiful being I'd only known for a few hours what I am, I hardly ever talked about it to anyone!
"I'm a Winger" I muttered.
She tilted her head in curiosity and stared at me for a good five seconds, but she looked...captivated.
"Oh my word, I've never met a Winger before. I wasn't even sure you still existed".
"We're a rare breed," I joked. Poorly.
"Indeed you are. But, forgive me for asking, where are your wings?"
"They're strapped in. I have to hide them from normies and sometimes other outcasts".
"Oh dear, why ever so?"
"My wings".
She sat back in her chair, her gaze still transfixed on me.
"My goodness. You really are a fascinating person, do you know that?"
I blinked and I was sure I'd misheard her, I was waiting for her to rip up my contract and kick me out.
"No one has ever called me that before. It's usually 'freak' or 'devil spawn' or 'ugly'" I told her, I felt like I could tell her anything now.
"Evelyn you are none of those things, believe me. We're all outcasts here. Everyone is treated the same and there is no judgement or prejudice whatsoever. You're going to fit right in" and her reassuring words consoled my anxious heart.

A few questions later she scanned the papers and said, "lastly I noticed you haven't put down a next of kin..."
"There isn't any" I said.
"None at all? What about your family?"
"I haven't spoken to any of them since I was a child. I was banished from my colony because of the colour of my wings. Black is a bad omen apparently".
"Good lord! That's terrible!"
I just shrugged.
"What about a partner?"
I shook my head.
"A friend?"
"The only friends I had live in different parts of the world now so I didn't think it was worth putting their names down".
She looked at me sympathetically but I didn't want her to feel sorry for me. The last thing I needed was pity.
"Well as your employer I can just put my details down for now".
"Oh...ok thank you".
"You'll be in safe hands with me dear" she said jokingly, but I didn't doubt it for a second.


Later that night I was unpacking my things when I heard a knock at the door, I opened it and Principal Weems was standing there with a large brown envelope.
"Good evening Evelyn. I hope I'm not disturbing you" she said politely.
"No not at all Principal Weems, I was just unpacking".
"Please dear, you can call me Larissa when the students aren't around".
"Larissa? That's a beautiful name" I accidently said out loud, "oh god sorry! I shouldn't have said that!"
She put her hand on my shoulder and said calmly "it's ok Evelyn, relax".
I managed to nod my head.
"Anyway I just came to give you a copy of your contract and a few other bits and bobs" and she handed me the envelope.
"Oh right, thank you. I'll read over it later".
"No rush darling" my heart skipped a beat at the sweet nickname, "if you have any questions you know where to find me".
After a bit more chit chat she dismissed herself and I watched her walk off down the hall.
The connection I felt with this woman was unlike anything I had felt before. I couldn't make sense of what it was but she made me feel nervous and comfortable at the same time. How is that even possible?!

I had a quick look through my contract and spotted something. In the 'Relationship' box on the next of kin page, Larissa had written down 'Employer/Friend' and I felt all warm and fuzzy inside.
"I think I'm going to love it here" I thought and held the papers close to my chest.

Wingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें