Belle of the Ball

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Good afternoon followers, In the enchanting realm of Constance High School, where tradition and elegance intertwine, a grand event known as the Masquerade Ball has finally approached us with an irresistible allure. The sprawling campus buzzed with whispers of anticipation as students eagerly prepared for an evening of mystery and glamor. I will be watching to see what secrets will unfold and if any new romances will begin during this enchantment. Don't forget all masks (real and metaphoric) will be off at midnight. You know you love me 

XOXO Gossip Girl

Zoya reads Gossip Girl's message and can't help but roll her eyes. "Wow even GG believes the hype of this stupid ball. This is maybe the 5th event since I've moved here. What's the big deal about this Masquerade Ball? This theme isn't new," Zoya complains to her sister as Julien looks at herself in the mirror, preparing for the ball wearing a black gothic Alexander McQueen gown while Zoya finishes gluing Swarovski jewels onto Julien's Masquerade mask.

"Zoya this is the biggest event of the year. Plus, you heard all our crazy stories. Did we tell you how Max left the party last year with only a mask to cover him?" Julien laughs, reminiscing.

"Yes you told me, but what else is new?" Zoya sighs "All done." She hands Julien the bejeweled mask. "You look amazing," she tells Julien.

"Thanks Z, and I know you are just feeling this way because you can't go, but trust me, next year, you will get your turn and understand what the hype is all about." Julien smiles at her and continues getting ready.

Zoya didn't want to admit it, but she was yearning to go but found herself confined by the school's rigid rules, forbidding her from attending the grand event as a lowly freshman.

Later that night, Obie arrives to pick up Julien to escort her to the Ball. Zoya hugs Julien goodbye and tells them both to have a good time, leaving Zoya alone due to her father working another late night at the office. While starting a Spike Lee movie marathon she hears a knock on the door. "Julien what did you forget?" She says as she opens the door only to be surprised to see her best friend Shan all dressed up.

"Surprise bitch! I am here to kidnap you!" Shan laughs and lets herself inside the apartment while holding a garment bag.

"What you talking about? You should already be at the ball?" Zoya says confused.

"Or what? Does my ride turn into a pumpkin at midnight? It's not that kind of ball Zoya and you really think I wasn't going to try to bring my best friend to the party of the year? Get dressed. We are sneaking you into the Masquerade Ball, and before you even make excuses, I grabbed one of my grandmother's vintage Fendi dresses and got you this mask." She holds up the mask and then forces Zoya to grab the garment bag with the dress. "Now get ready quickly. We are running late."

Zoya takes the garment bag and starts to get dressed for the Ball. As she gets ready, she continues to ask Shan questions. "What if I get caught? How are you going to get me in? What if I get recognized?"

Shan looks through random drawers in the apartment as she speaks to Zoya. "You won't get caught. No one cares if you sneak in. They just say that to scare dumb freshmen, I sneaked in the Ball in the 7th grade, and it's overrated. However, sneaking in ever since then has made it more fun. As for people recognizing you, I got you a very nice mask that covers most of your face, and you just got your hair braided today right? No one has seen your new look other than me and Julien. She will be too busy to notice you trust me." Zoya comes out of the room, and all Shan can only shout, "Damn girl, you look good!"

Zoya walks out wearing the gold Fendi slit backless dress with her braids in an updo. As she gazes at herself in the mirror, Zoya can't help but feel a profound admiration and reverence for the dress. Its intricate details, delicate stitching, and shimmering golden fabric create an ethereal aura around her. The dress accentuates her curves and flatters her figure, enhancing her natural beauty in ways she never thought possible. "This dress is too beautiful. Are you sure it's ok?" Unable to shake the feeling that such a great dress deserves a grander stage.

Masks Off  | Zoyet - Gossip Girl Rebootحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن