Zoyet - Final Chapter

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A week had passed since their dramatic entrance at Camille's award dinner and the subsequent announcement by Gossip Girl declaring them the new power couple. Monet had returned home to the de Haan mansion. In the Upper West Side, Zoya was adjusting to her new mode of transportation: Monet's chauffeur-driven car.

Zoya sighed as she spotted the sleek black car waiting outside her apartment building. "Good morning, Rudy," she greeted Monet's driver.

"Good morning, Ms. Lott," Rudy replied politely, opening the door for her. He then drove her to Monet's home to continue their journey to school together.

As she sat in the car, Zoya couldn't help but feel guilty. She thought about the environmental impact of having Monet's driver pick her up daily. Monet had explained that after experiencing the less-than-pleasant public transportation conditions, she couldn't bear the thought of Zoya riding the bus, touching sticky poles, and navigating the crowded streets of New York City before meeting her at school each morning.

Once they arrived at Monet's mansion, the driver opened the car door, and Monet greeted Zoya with a bright smile as she got in. They exchanged morning pleasantries and a sweet kiss, but Monet quickly noticed something was amiss in Zoya's behavior.

"What's wrong?" Monet inquired, her concern apparent.

Zoya hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "I appreciate the thought, Monet, but is it really necessary for Rudy to pick me up every day? I enjoy our car rides together, but I can't help but think about the environmental impact."

Monet sighed, considering Zoya's words. "Would it make you feel better if Rudy drove the Tesla to pick you up?"

Zoya appreciated the offer but continued, "It's not just that. I'm all for convenience, but I worry about the carbon footprint, especially when public transportation is an option. To be honest, this whole driver thing is not-"

Monet interrupted Zoya's concerns with a kiss, effectively silencing her. "Please, let's not dwell on it right now. We only have a few minutes left before we get to school." Monet pulled Zoya closer to her to continue their shared moment, focusing on the present rather than the world's problems.

The car came to a stop in front of the school. Zoya and Monet, hand in hand, gracefully emerged from the vehicle, their arrival marked by the unmistakable attention of their fellow students. Phones were drawn, and the soft click of camera shutters filled the air as students discreetly snapped photos of the new power couple in town, Zoyet, as anointed by Gossip Girl.

Walking side by side, their fingers intertwined, Zoya couldn't help but feel the weight of the spotlight bearing down on them. Her steps seemed hesitant, her gaze slightly lowered, and the sensation of countless eyes upon her made her skin itch with insecurity. The intensity of the attention was overwhelming.

Monet, on the other hand, seemed to thrive in the limelight. A confident, radiant smile adorned her face, and she carried herself with the ease of someone who had been in the public eye their entire life. She reveled in the recognition, savoring the moment as if it were her rightful place.

As they found a seat at Monet's customary table, the whispers grew louder, and the camera shutters more persistent. Zoya shifted uncomfortably in her seat, a faint blush gracing her cheeks as she tried to ignore the prying eyes and the realization that they were now the subjects of endless fascination.

Monet, however, seemed undaunted. She leaned in, whispering something in Zoya's ear, a playful glint in her eye. Zoya managed a small smile in response, taking comfort in Monet's presence.

"Have you seen your mom since moving back in?" Zoya asked gently, still feeling concerned.

Monet sighed, and her expression carried the weight of the complex situation. "She came back from her business trip last night. We've been cordial for now. It's a bit weird, honestly. I wonder how long this will last." Monet then shifted her focus to her girlfriend, genuine concern in her eyes. "But how about you? Did your dad find any potential jobs?" She inquired, wanting to ensure that Zoya was doing well amidst the changes in their lives.

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