Blame it on the Alcohol

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Monet followed Audrey into her bedroom, the tension from their earlier exchange still lingering. Audrey gestured to the bed, showing her hospitality despite how they felt about each other.

"You can stay here tonight," Audrey offered, "I'll sleep in my mom's bed tonight."

Monet was about to place her duffle bag on the bed but hesitated, a hint of suspicion in her tone. "These sheets are clean, right? No offense, but I'm not trying to catch anything from your threesomes."

Audrey shot Monet a sharp glare, her annoyance apparent. "The maids changed the sheets this afternoon after I graciously offered my home to you," she retorted.

Not one to back down from a verbal spar, Monet continued her sarcasm. "How chivalrous of you. It's almost as if Aki and Max didn't force you."

Audrey's tone sharpened further. "Wow, you sound so humble for someone who's now an avid bus rider with no funds. You didn't have to accept my invitation."

Monet sighed, still wrestling with the emotions stirred by her recent conversation with her father. "Yes, I did," she admitted, her frustration giving way to a more somber demeanor. "Look, I do appreciate it. I'm just dealing with a lot right now."

Audrey, catching the sadness in Monet's eyes, had an idea to lighten the mood. "I have an idea," she proposed, "before you were going to come over, I was going to dump the alcohol I have in the house before my mom comes back, but maybe we should put it to good use. What do you say?"

Monet's response was swift, a hint of relief in her voice. "Yes," she agreed, embracing Audrey's idea as a way to escape the weight of her troubles momentarily.

The wine had begun to loosen their tongues, and now, they were diving into more profound, personal territory. "So there is something I need to understand...why Zoya?" Audrey asked with genuine interest as she refilled their glasses with wine. "I mean, you hated her when she first arrived; that was probably the only thing you and I have in common, other than JC or shopping when you're not sabotaging me at Bergdorf's. I know you tell the personal assistants to give you the latest Chanel instead of me."

Monet chuckled at the accusation before her expression turned thoughtful. "I know, sometimes I can't believe I'm with Zoya either. Especially after seeing her closet the other day," she said, shaking her head, recalling the horrendous clothes they had stumbled upon. "I thought I hated Zoya. I was horrible to her. But even after being that way to her, she always found the good in me. I don't think anyone has ever done that before. Every time I kept pushing her away, she never gave up. I mean, she was willing to be my slave for a day," Monet reflected, her thoughts circling back to earlier. "After today with my father, it feels like no one has my back other than her and, of course, our friends... and you." She emphasized the last part, a teasing smile tugging at her lips while sipping her wine as she watched Audrey's reaction.

Audrey couldn't help but roll her eyes, a grin betraying her mock annoyance. "Well, I'm honored to be in such esteemed company," she quipped, lifting her wine glass in a mock toast.

Monet leaned in, her voice carrying a sincerity that was often hidden beneath her usual facade. "This might be the alcohol talking," Monet began, her gaze distant momentarily, "but she makes me want to be better. Not in a save-the-environment way or whatever bullshit she and Obie would have in common." She chuckled lightly. "I've been reading books and some other interests that she shares with me, things that expanded my understanding of things I don't think I would ever learn or paid attention to if it wasn't for her." Monet's voice took on a softer, more introspective quality as she continued, "She pushes me out of my comfort zone in a good way, you know, like on our first date and other matters." She decided not to share all the intimate details, letting a mischievous smile play on her lips instead.

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