His final thoughts. (Miraculous angst oneshot)

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This is a small fan fiction from the Miraculous ladybug show, about the character Adrien Argeste, so if you don't like Miraculous you should probably leave.

Adrien, tear ridden, felt as if he did not want to be alive anymore. This isn't the first time he fought these thoughts either. He felt so worthless and unworthy, as if nothing in his life mattered.

He managed to push them back before, but now they won't go away. No matter how hard he pushes, they push back just as strong. Adrien feels as if he's been fighting for so long, that he could no longer fight back.

How long has he been feeling like this? He can't even remember anymore. It felt like forever. Something he was so tired about.

He put his hood over his head and pulled the draw strings until it covered his face. Not like he was covering his face from anyone, he was alone in his room.

He shut Plagg out just about an hour ago, they had fought as well. Plagg was worried about his current mental state and Adrien kept insisting everything was alright. Though for Plagg, it was more than obvious that he wasn't okay. Adrien on the other hand, got annoyed and abused his powers as his holder and shut him up for good.

He didn't feel good about it, but he thought it was better now that he wasn't talking. Who knows where he was? He couldn't care less.

Adrien wanted to talk to someone for real about this, but he didn't want to be a burden. He didn't want to bother other people with the problems that were only his. He had been pondering about this for a while. He was in pain but didn't have any way to relieve it and it was killing him.

The more he thought about this, the more suicide looked appealing. It's not like anyone would care if he was gone. Especially his father. He treated him as if he didn't exist, so would it really make a difference if he ended his existence for real?

And Ladybug.. She has all those other miraculous holders. She doesn't need him. She'll be perfectly fine without him. Same with his friends, they'll get over him soon enough. It's not like they really truly care about him anyways.

He got up, got a pen and paper and wrote a note. He knew the second Plagg had realized what he's done, he'd go straight to Ladybug. So he wrote a letter to her, putting his ring right next to it, hoping Plagg will catch the hint and deliver the note to her.

He wrote two more letters, one to the rest of his friends, and another to his father. In all of them, he explained all of the pain he's felt, and how it just couldn't take it anymore. How he tried his best and fought his hardest but his demons ended up winning in the end. He then wrote personal apologies to each one. He put their names on it to make sure they read the right letter.

He then pulled out the knife in his drawer that he's been using to cut himself. He took one last look at his room, knowing that soon everything would go black and he wouldn't see anything anymore. But that was okay, because soon he wouldn't feel anything anymore either.

Soon the pain would be over. And hell, maybe he'll see his mother again.

With those final thoughts, Adrien gripped the knife in his hands and slit his throat. Blood spilling out, and killing him instantly.

Listened to Citizen Soldier when writing this and almost cried throughout the whole thing, I'm slightly concerned about my mental health and I randomly came up with this.

Also, I apologize if I made anyone's eyes sweat-

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