Cursed Currency

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I made this story for my English class, the prompt was "you get 20k in the mail." My teacher basically gave us free will so I wrote a story about a damn mafia, enjoy

‼️️Blood warning, obviously.‼️
I wake up in the afternoon, surprised by the blazing sun hitting my face. Crap, I had slept in again. I started to wonder if I should even bother going to work today, as I already know I’m more than late. I might even get fired today if I’m lucky. I got out of my oh so comfortable bed and flipped back my dark purple short wavy hair. It was very messy, like my life. I am twenty four years old and I work as a tour guide for the city of Philadelphia. Which is slowly killing me. Most of the tourists that I guide are rude people and I hate having to spend my entire day with them. I went into the bathroom, sadly having to get ready for the day. 

I stared at my misshapen face and silver eyes. I looked very tired for a person who just slept past noon. I put on my clothes and brush my teeth. I style my hair so it looks somewhat presentable. Then I go out of my house and walk at my normal pace to my job, because if I’m being honest I’m probably going to get fired so I might as well start looking for a new job now. Before I go, I check my mail, and see a strange envelope. It doesn't say who it's to or who it's from, so I should probably ignore it. But I'm not going to, instead I open it. All I see in there are one hundred dollar bills, and when I count them up, it equals to twenty thousand DOLLARS. I don't know who gave this to me, but thank you. I'm about to spend all of this, because I mean, free money is free money. 

I ended up not going to work, instead I went out to pay my rent. Because I’m responsible and if I’m going to have all this good free money, then I’m going to spend it on things I need before I start having a bunch of fun. Then, I went to the store to get some groceries because their prices are skyrocketing and I need to eat this month. I also paid for my gas with the money. After I went home and put all of my groceries away, it was about 11:00 PM at night. I also got a lot of missed calls from my boss, probably wondering where I was. To be honest, I didn’t care though. I just got twenty thousand dollars and I’m not going to let my boss ruin my good mood. I took my remaining thousands of dollars, and went to the club. Hours later, I spent practically every penny of that money there. 

Just then, some man grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the dance floor. Before I could cuss out the man, gunshots were heard from across the club. The woman next to me fell immediately and went unconscious, as blood was spilling out of her chest. Then, like a synchronized choir, everyone erupted in screams. They started running in different directions as I stared in horror. Knowing that if the man that grabbed me was a moment too late, that would’ve been me. “Come on!” The man grabbed my arm again and dragged me out the club as more gunshots were heard. As I ran out, I saw dead bodies drenched in their own blood. It was grueling. We kept running until the man stopped, turned around and slapped me. “Ow! What was that for?!” I screamed, which probably isn’t a good idea considering the gunshots. 

“Your Azura Everheart right?” He said out of breath. “Yes? How do you know my name?” He slapped me again. “Good, I got the right idiot,” He scolded. “Excuse me? I don’t even know who you are!” I spat back. “I’m Evander Whitlock, and do you know that twenty thousand dollars that you just stupidly spent?” He replied. “Yea..?” I said in confusion. “Well that money came from the mafia. And they’re not happy about the fact I accidentally gave away some money and that you just spent it willy nilly. And if they catch you, it's either your head to pay it back, or an increasing amount of debt that’ll never go away.” He explained, still slightly out of breath. “I'm sorry, did you just say a mafia is after me?” I started to panic. “Yes, and you need to get the heck out of here if you don’t want to die,” he said with a very serious face. 

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