Chapter 3 {edited}

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Valerie P.O.V

"I would like to speak to your manager or the owner of the store this instance!" I heard a faint voice say while in the back of my boutique in my office. Kala came to the back with a scowl on her face.

"What's the problem?"

Kayla took a breather, before she just start cursing while pacing back and forth rubbing her hand.

"Some woman came in, and I went to assist her, I did the greetings and everything. Do you know what the bitch did? She brush me a side like I was a piece of trash. Now, I let that slide cause I thought that it was by accident and cause she's a customer, but then a few minutes later she comes up to me like 'uh, you need to hold my stuff cause my arms are tired'. I stood there staring at her like she was crazy, I told her my job was to walk around and assist with things or help find things not hold her shit all day while she shop.

She talking bout 'Well my money said that you need to carry my stuff or I'm not spending any money in here' I told her that we would survive with or with out her money, and walked off.

Then she started cussing me out, I'm not going to tell you what she said, just know that it would have earned her a beat down if I was still in her face. When I told her, she could get out the store and shop somewhere else she got red in the face and demanded to see my manager. Well she got the first best thing, the owner. "

While she was ranting, I was dying. It was so funny, especially how she did her face and the sound of her voice when she was mocking the lady.

"So lets go tag team her ass and push her out the store real quick." Kayla said while popping her fingers and looking in the mirror promising a world of hurt to the lady.

I got up wiping my eyes, that's how hard I was laughing, and walked around my desk and grabbed Kayla, stopping her from walking towards the door.

"Just chill, you stay back here and let me handle it, okay"

She threw up her hands with a look of relief. "Alright, alright you go handle it cause if I have to go out there, just know I'm gone fuck that bitch up."

I was shakin' with laughter, but didn't let it out because I know she wasn't fully good yet. I shook my head while walking out the door.

I walked to the front of the store and seen a lady dressed in fine clothing. She had on a beige matching two piece pants suit and beige pumps and a black and beige hand purse.

"How may I help you?" I ask nicely.

"You need to fire that cunt, she is not doing what she is told." She stated like I was supposed to listen to her. Also, how she talked about Kayla as if she was a dog pissed me off.

"Well Madame, my employee does not have to follow you around the store holding your stuff. There are other people in the store, not only you. If you want your stuff out your hands then you need to get a bag to put your stuff in and carry it around on your arm." I told her, putting emphasis on 'your'.

"If I come here and spend my money, then I should be able to get what I want and people supposed to do as I say. The customer is always right." She said with her hand on her hips and smirk on her face.

"Well sweetie, in this store, the customer is not always right and will not get their way all because they spend money in my store. I have stores all around the country and adding more in other countries, so your few measly 100's that you're trying to throw around is not doing anything cause even without you I'm still making billions." I told her and walked away. Now that was a loaded statement, HOWEVER she didn't need to know that. My store is far from struggling, so turning away unruly customers would not take away from my pockets, nor my employees.

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