Prologue {edited}

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"I don't care I'm not doing it, trying it, or thinking about it, so forget it!!" Valerie said to Nick.

"Aren't you a little curious on what it must feel like? " Nick ask.

"No.." Valerie took a deep breath and turned to Nick "listen, I might like to read BDSM stories' once in a while or watch some videos, but I'm just not into that type of relationship. I'm just not into doing those things physically. I'm very sensitive and I don't need anybody playing on my sensitivity."

"But your sensitivity would heighten your pleasure an-"

"No, look I'm just not going to do it.. Bye Nick" Valerie told Nick before walking away.

'I will never be comfortable in doing that and nobody will change that.'



Well I'm starting my second story on here and I always wanted to do a BDSM story and no it's not like fifty shades of grey. It's much can I put this..... REAL although it was a good book,from what I know of I don't think any virgin would volunteer letting a man to take there v-card on a first know what I mean....ND give it away so freely.

It's not a life if there's no struggle..

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