Chapter 4 {edited}

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Nicholas P.O.V.

As I rounded the corner to Ivans' house, my mind was solely focus on the girl. Like damn, how can she still be on my mind. I'm not usually stuck on a female, but it's just something about the way she present herself that turns me on and capture my attention. 

Her sexy cocoa brown skin glistening, her Coca-Cola bottle figure, and don't let me get started on them sexy eyes... I can't even think right now. 

I pull up to Ivans house and get out of the car and lock the doors. Since I have the key to his house, I let myself in and set back alarm. I walk down the hall and find Ivan in the living room watching the news. Ivan is a really fun guy to be around, but pissed him off or when he turns serious you better sit your ass down and listen. Ivan knows of my versatile way of being a dominant, but wanting to be dominated. He have no problem with that, but he says he just can't see himself giving up the (consensual) control he has on someone.... fine with me.

"Hey Ivan." I say as I sit down next to him on the couch.

"Whats up, what you been up to?" He ask while sitting up, switching his focus from the TV to me.

"I've been good.... I called it off with Sarah though, it just wasn't working our for many reasons, but mainly cause I didn't feel that connection with her." I say shrugging, I didnt find it that serious. I look over at Ivan and I see he don't really have a shock look on his face, but rather intrude. 

"Ok..... So who is the new girl who has your interest? I know you like someone else, so don't give me bullshit." He gave me a pointed look, practically saying 'tell me everything'. 

"Ugh, ok so I was walking towards the office and I bumbed into this woman..." I started.

"So, what's so special?" He asked already impatient.

"Well, when we bumbed each other I was on the phone and my shit cracked since it fell on the ground, that's why I have a new one, so I was really mad not really caring that she was a woman and started going off on her. At first she wasn't saying anything, so as she stood there with a smirk in her face I decided to check her out WHILE I go off. Let me tell you Ivan she is so fine, you know what no words can express how beautiful she is. As soon as I told her she's going to pay for my 300 dollar phone, it's like she snapped out of it and she just went off on me. Now, you know how I am, I don't like disrespect, but it's like something was pulling my submissive side out wanting to submit to her. Its kind of hard to explain." I explain to Ivan. He sits there with a intrude look on his face then just smiles at me. Kind of creeping me out.

"Please tell me more." He tells, so I sat there the rest of the day telling him about the mystery girl who make me want to pleasure her but also bow down for her.


So I'm typing this on my phone, please comment what you think vote. I hope yall enjoy. I realised that I haven't updated since June and felt so bad😢😢😢😓😓😓 sorry lovely people✌✌

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