Chapter 34

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Shina's pov.

After a few days, we went back to school. It was a rainy day, this time I let Taeko take me the closest he could to the school. I walked with my umbrella until I saw a green poncho speed walk by me, I looked at them, my eyes landing on their calves and I knew that it was Iida.

"Iida!" I yell. This causes him to stop in his tracks and look at him.

"Sumiye?" he says. I ran over to him. I place my umbrella over us. Iida being taller than me caused me to raise my arm higher.

"Thank you Sumiye." He said.

"So I wanted to ask if- '' Just then Midoriya walked by us and greeted us, this caused Iida to speed walk after Midoriya, talking about being late to class. They went to their lockers and I went to mine. I opened mine and changed my rain boots and put my umbrella away. I also took off my jacket. I saw Jiro just arrived at school, I told her about what happened over the past two days.

"Woah, I can't believe you gave him the medal." She said,

"It just felt right," I shrugged.

"Right... Well, did he text you?"

"I know, I spent the whole two days freaking the fuck out," I say, placing my hands on my head.

"Well, maybe you offend him?" She states.

"I know that's what I'm worried about, I didn't mean to," I say. We walked to class.

"Well, all you have to do is talk to him and you'll have your answer," she says. I smile and nod as we take our seats.

Just then Aizawa walked into the room.

Aizawa started off class in an ominous tone as always. I was actually excited, he said that we were going to pick our hero names today. I mean I've thought about this in the past but I thought that I'd have more time to think about it. Aizawa explains that the reason for this was because as first years, we are going to be able to intern with pro-heroes so it's best that we have our hero names. Then he pulls out a list of pro-heroes that are interested in having us intern. My jaw dropped in shock.

Todoroki- 3421

Sumiye- 3378

Bakugo- 3189

Iida- 301


Etc etc

Sadly ending with Midoriya getting zero requests. I felt bad for him, I've seen him train in class but maybe it has something to do with the fact that he tends to break his bones every time he uses his quirk. I was in shock, as was most of the class. Many people pointed out that Todoroki, Bakugo, and I switched compared to how we were placed. Bakugo huffed and looked away from me, then I turned to him.

Just then Midnight walked into the room and we were all given whiteboards. Aizawa talks about the importance of our hero names and the power they can hold. I took a deep breath. I sat lost in thought, would it be ok to take a name from my parents?


I was too young to remember but when I was a little girl I dreamed of being a pro-hero like my parents. I knew their job was risky but I also knew how happy they were doing it. They owned a hero agency in Kozui City. Kishi and Teru Azumi- that's how their friends knew them. Pro-heroes Nova and Knightcall, my mom's pro-hero name was Nova due to her energy bursts that she could shoot from her hands, the same color as mine. My dad was Knightcall, due to his quirk, he could create shields out of the materials by him. He could manipulate the materials at the molecular level and make them into shields. My mom and dad met in high school. They didn't go to UA, they went to a school called Shiketsu High. At school, they were paired up for a battle exercise that went really well. After that, the two of them seemed to always find themselves working with one another. Going into the field was difficult, but with the both of them together, nothing seemed impossible. They managed to be on the top 50 pro-heroes on the Japanese hero charts. They opened the Kozui City Agency. This is because they wanted to build a community in their city. There were dozens of heroes and sidekicks that worked in the agency, but my parents were the ones that did most of the paperwork. This was when they reached out to Sumiye's, an up-and-coming tech company. Both parties instantly built a connection that was more than partners but as friends. My parents weren't the toughest heroes and weren't the most popular heroes. But the impact that they brought to their community and the people they could help will always be remembered.

Present Day

I continue and stare at the whiteboard in front of me. It's still blank. I look around and see that I wasn't the only one struggling. Midnight then asked for one of us to share what we were thinking for our hero names. I looked at Jiro, who was just as stuck as I was. Then Aoyama gets up from their seat.

They walk to the front of the class and present their name.

"The shining hero; I just can not stop twinkling." I blinked twice listening to the name. Midnight made them change a few words and that was it. It wasn't much help for me. Then Bakugo walked out of his seat and walked to the front of the class.

'King Explosion Murder' is on the whiteboard readout. This also had me confused as hell. Like I know Bakugo was aggressive but damn. Midnight disapproved. Kirishima offered the name 'Explosion Boy' which was actually really cute, but definitely not Bakugo's aesthetic. Bakugo goes back to his seat and Tsu is next to walk to the front of the class. They show their whiteboard and say the name Froppy. It was actually so fitting, and so simple and friendly. We all let out a sigh of relief. After that, it got easier for the class. Everyone went one by one to show off their hero names. I didn't want to be the last one. I looked down at my whiteboard and for the first time, it wasn't blank. My heart was pounding as I started to overthink what would happen if I shared. Would it be ok to use my parent's hero's names? Just then Kirishima walked to the front of the class. "Red Riot'' is very similar to the hero, Crimson Riot. Midnight talked about how it could be difficult to follow in other pro heroes' shadows, but Kirishima is confident which helps me feel confident about my hero name. I take a deep breath and walk to the front of the class. Everyone's eyes were on me, I could feel my hands shaking. I make eye contact with Iida who gives me a smile and a nod that encourages me. I take a deep breath.

"The Energetic Hero: Nova Knight, I state. Midnight blinks a few times as some of the students compliment it. I feel a sense of relief and begin to walk away from the front but Midnight stops me.

"Wait, is that to be a mix of the Pro hero couple Nova and Knightcall?" She asks me.

I freeze, my breath stuck in my throat. I look at Bakugo, but he is also in shock. I didn't really want to talk about it and I wasn't sure if I wanted my class to know that I was the daughter of two pro heroes, but I was put on the spot, and I didn't really want to lie to the whole class, especially when they all had their eyes on me. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Yes," I state plainly.

"I didn't know kids your age knew of them. They were actually the first pro heroes I interned with. They truly gave me my start in the hero world. How'd you discover them, I mean sadly they passed away, but you must've been like 5 when it happened?" She questions.

"I was 7," I state

"Oh, were you related to them?" She asked.

"They were my parents," I say, and sit down. The room goes silent.


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