Chapter 40

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We were leaving for our internships today. I hadn't spoken much to Tenya or Bakugo. I knew that Bakugo was going to intern with Best Jeanist, which surprised me a bit. Iida was interning in Hosu City. Which is the city, the hero killer, Stain, attacked his brother. I was worried that Tenya had ulterior motives during his internship. Hosu was a city away from Kozui City, where my parents' agency was. We stood in the train terminals as Aizawa gave us the last bit of "house rules" for our internships. I held my hero suit's case tightly, as I eagerly waited for Aizawa to dismiss us. When he did, I turned to Jiro.

"I'll see you soon, text me when you get there," I say.

"Of course, same here. Make sure to tell me about the train ride with Iida, oh I mean Tenya~" Jiro teases.

"Shut up," I gently push her.

"But seriously, I mean working at your parents' agency. That's a big deal." She smiles and grabs my hand.

"It really is. I'm so excited. A little nervous, but mostly excited." I squeezed her hand slightly.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll do great. You got this!" Jiro smiles.

"Thank you. Have fun at your internship. You are working with Death Arms right?"

"Yeah, I mean out of all the agencies, I thought it would be interesting."

"You are gonna do great, there is always something to be learned."

"Ew, you sound like a fortune cookie." Jiro teases.

"Hey, sometimes those cookies have good advice." I defend.

"I guess that's true. Oh, I got to catch my train. Text me later." She smiled.

"I will." I smile pulling out of a hug. She heads to her train. As I walked to my train Bakugo came into my field of vision.

"Hey Skinny Jeans," I smile.

"What?" Bakugo looked at me confused and disgusted at the terrible name.

"What? You are interning with Best Jeanist, you are going to wear jeans." I state.

" I'm not, and I don't even think that's how it works," Bakugo says harshly.

"Well don't say I didn't warn you." I laugh.

"Whatever, but what about you? You gonna be ok going to your parents' agency?" Bakugo's tone shifted, and I was caught off guard.

"And why wouldn't I be fine?" I tease. Bakugo raised his eyebrow at me, not believing my overexaggerated statement. I sigh, "I'm really nervous, I don't really know what to expect, I'm trying to mentally prepare myself. I just pray I don't have a panic attack if someone brings up my parents. What if they don't think that I'm good enough to take on my parents' hero names? Oh crap, was it too soon to try and take my parents' hero names?"

"Bubbles, you are- your gonna be fine. If they don't think you are good enough then screw them, what do they know? What place did you get in the sports festival?"

"What does that have to do-"

"What place?"


"How many people at that agency can say that they placed third in the sports festival at UA their first year?"

"Well, not many-"

"Not a single damn person, so you walk in like you own the place. Got it."


"Got it?!"

"Ok, ok. I got it." I smile a bit.

"Good, now go kick some ass, before I kick yours again." He smirks.

"Wow, so violent. Fine, I'm going. You better text me when you get to the Best Jeanist's agency."

"Nah, I don't think I will."

"Bakugo I swear to-"

"Fine, I'll think about it," Bakugo smirks walking away from me. I couldn't help but smile at Bakugo's attitude.

Walking closer to my boarding zone for my train, I saw Iida.

"Hey, Tenya,"

"Shina," He smiled with a small nod of acknowledgment.

"Excited?" I ask.

"Yes, and yourself?"

"Always." I smiled. Before we got to the train, Midoriya and Uraraka called out to us. We turned to face them.

"You know Iida, if you ever wanna talk or anything. You let us know. We are friends, right?" Midoriya spoke.

"Yes," Tenya said, but his tone seemed forced. Iida smiled and turned to the train.

"Good Luck with your internships. Let's try and keep in touch when we can," I state as Uraraka and Midoriya nod.

Tenya and I boarded the train. When we found a pair of seats, Tenya kindly let me have the window seat. As we settle into our seats, I look to Tenya, "They are right you know." I state.

"Pardon?" Tenya asked.

"If you ever wanna talk, we are here for you," I say, subconsciously grabbing Tenya's hand.

"Oh, thank you, but I'm fine, really." Tenya slightly blushed at Shina's action.

"If you are fine, out of all the agencies you could have chosen why did you choose one in Hosu?" I state bluntly.

"What are you trying to ask me?" Tenya looks at me.

"Well, one of two things, if this is the city that your brother just got hurt in, is it too soon for you to try and visit knowing the hero killer is still on the loose Or, and I really hope it's not, but are you going to Hosu just to chase after the Hero Killer."

"Well, I don't really think that's any of your-"

"Tenya, don't deflect the question."

Tenya sighs, "You don't understand Shina. If you knew who your parents' killers were, wouldn't you want to seek revenge?" Tenya asked me. I sigh.

"Yes," my answer took Tenya by surprise.


"Yes, I wanted my parent's killers to pay for their crimes. I used to pray for it. I begged the police, detectives, and other heroes to do everything in their power to find the killers, but they never did. They said my parent death was a 'horrible accident,' but I knew better. For a while, I was fueled by anger. I was violent, but my anger wasn't doing anything for me. It was actually hurting me and the people that cared about me. There was nothing I could do to bring my parents back. When the case closed, and my parents had no justice, I was the angriest I'd ever been in my entire life. I hated the world, but as painful as it was, I turned my anger into sadness. Luckily I was surrounded by people that loved me that wanted to help me cope. Now, I'm not saying you can't be angry because you have every right to be, but going after the hero killer isn't going to change what happened."

"I'm sorry, Shina, I didn't know."

"It's not the prettiest topic in the world. But Tenya, I understand your pain. I just don't want you to do something stupid because of it."

"Did you do something stupid when you were angry?"

I laugh, "I did. I think everyone does. We don't think rationally when were are full of anger."

"Well, what did you do?"

"You really wanna know?"


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