Result day

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I had worked particularly hard for these exams because they marked the end of my academic journey that I started as a three year old child . Imagine the rush I felt when I heard the results were out . I had walked out of each examination with content and pride because of how well I had written everything. I wrote down quotations and definitions given by famous philosophers . I wrote down the history and timeline of the development of teacher education in India. I felt marvelous. I definitely couldn't contain myself while I waited to open the results . But the unexpected happened,it was the worst result of my life as an adult ! And what made it worse was the weird and incomplete number 59 . It was and is still triggering my OCD . It's uncomfortable and frustrating. Just by one percentage,I am left in the second division and boy oh boy it's also my first time getting a second division.

But on the other side,I know for a fact that the situation could have been so much worse . I'm grateful that this is already behind me . Maybe I might have to explain in interviews why I scored less in my master's but I guess it's okay. How bad can it be , right?

I never imagined I'd get this far but yay me ,I completed my marathon. I'm sure I'll bounce back soon and celebrate this wonderful achievement. And soon I'll cross another milestone and get that rush of excitement and happiness all over again .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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