Chapter 6

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Three days went on like this... Taehyung cried his heart out in guilt and Taekook was too traumatized to meet Taehyung. Taekook didn't go to school these three days, neither he  came out of his room....

During morning Taehyung tried to meet him but Taekook again got scared so Jungkook asked Tae to give him some time....

In these three days Taehyung didn't lay a hand on Jungkook nor shouted at him, he was too guilty to do so....

In evening 

Jungkook was in the living room watching tv while Taekook was studying in his room....

Taehyung took this as a very nice opportunity to enter his son's room as he was dying to meet him and ask for forgiveness......

When Taehyung entered in Taekook's room he saw his son sitting on his study table and struggling with his math problem....

Usually if Taekook had any problems regarding studies, specially maths, he would ask Taehyung to help him but since he was scared of his dad he was really facing problem.....

Taehyung slowly took hesitant steps near the boy without making any sound.... By the time he reached his son, tears already started to gather in his eyes, but still he controlled and touched his son's shoulder who flinched after feeling the very familiar sensation which he felt whenever his dad touched his..... Taekook knows his dad's touch very well, he got scared and started to shake while backing away a little.....

Taekook turned his head a little and saw that it was really his dad. The boy being scared was about to shout for his Appa but he suddenly stopped because he saw something which he never saw in his life and was something which he never expected.....

He saw tears in his dad's eyes....

He saw tears in his dad's eyes

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From his childhood...his dad was the strongest man he have ever seen..... in any situation he would never cry....

Taekook was too shocked and sad by the scene...

He was about to say something when Taehyung suddenly burst out crying

Taehyung: " I..I....I..I'm....ssssor..sorry"

This was the only thing he managed to say while crying very badly...

He was about to fall on his knees when Taekook hold him and Hugged him tightly....Who was also crying by now

Taekook : "It's.. it's...oo..okey dad....don't c..cry p..please I'm...not angry with you anymore......I..I ..forgive you...."

Taehyung didn't reply he was just crying messily in his son's embrace

They stayed like this for more than half an hours then Taekook broke the silence

Taekook: "Dad"

Taehyung: "hmm"

Taekook: " Dad when I was small you were not like this why you changed suddenly... Don't you love me and appa anymore?"

Taehyung: " What are you saying son you both are my only family.... In this world you two are the only One I can't believe how much I suffed this three days when you both were not talking to me properly...I felt like dying each and every moment....this three days were the most pathetic days in my life baby...I can't live without you two you are my everything.... I know you know everything already but still I want to tell you.... From last few years I'm being abusive towards your Appa.. I know he has no's me who is at fault.... I am really really ashamed of myself for doing so...and I really can't forgive myself after hurting you my baby....I am really sorry...I promise I'll never in my life will repeat this...I love you both a way too much"

Taekook : " I love you too Dad...and Appa loves you very much " 

Then they hugged eachother and talked about many things... But they didn't know that Jungkook was listening to them by standing beside the door.... He was crying silently... And praying for his family to be happy always..........

After few minutes of hugging and talking Taehyung helped Taekook to solve his Maths problems....then they heard Jungkook calling them for dinner and they went to the dining room....

Today they had their dinner happily while enjoying with each other

They were very happy to spend their time together...while laughing and giggling

After the dinner they all cuddled in bed and drifted off to sleep 💤😴

This way they ended up being a happy family again

The End


Finally my first story is completed

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