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Leyani had been waiting at the airport for the arrival of her boyfriend. "LEYANIIIIII!" A voice shouted from behind. "JOBEEEEE BABY!" She shouted back running into his open arms. "I've missed you!" He smiled into her jumper. "I've missed you more baby." She replied as they left the airport. Jude was here to pick up jobe aswell so they quickly hugged and we entered the car. "Do you man think I'm a fucking cab why are you both in the back seat?" Jude said as he sped off. "Just shut your mouth why are we headed the whole wrong way?" Leyani replied looking at the window. "AYY YOUR TRYNA KIDNAP US, DONT WORRY I GOTCHU BABY." Jobe said clinging onto Leyani. "I'm taking you guys with me to England camp training chill out." Jude laughed as he pulled up into the car park. "You can sit in the stands but no snogging or sex I don't wanna be an uncle yet." We left the car and headed inside with Jude infront of us.

We took our seats an soon after the England team came out to train. We were right at the front on a small bench to watch the training session. As soon as Jude came out he approached us walking backwards whilst dragging sancho and rashford with him. "GYAT!" Leyani shouted and Jadon and Marcus burst into laughter. "What hapenned?"the two brothers Jude and Jobe said. "Forget it hello I'm Marcus and this is Jadon." The taller brunette indicated between the two. "Nice to meet yous im Leyani Jobes girlfriend." She shook their hands. "In a bit yeah." Jadon said. "What did you mean when you said GYAT." Jobe whispered in her ears as the others left. "It's something you say when someone has a big bum." She replied and jobe looked at her disgusted.

         The real hubbywubbies of England

Phil: help I can't find my socks and football boots😭
Phil: oh shit yous are training
Leyani: just come out there's a pair out here

To the girls suprise the blonde boy really came out barefoot and walked towards the pitch. Everyone turned and laughed and She poked Jobes arm pointing at Phil. "What's he doing out here with them devils out." Jobe laughed. "I told him to come out there's a pair of boots." I laughed trying to catch my breath. "LEYANI IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Phil shouted.

Filler chapter

I will be posting every Thursday

That's The Truth:Jobe Bellingham X Leyani Avon Where stories live. Discover now