Before and after time

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Korosensei: ok Boys and girls the second term kid terms are only two weeks away the time has come to surpass A class I want us going into this red hot, hotter than hades, hotter than the sun

Kazuto is working his arse off: (it's time to destroy them again!)

The class is jumping from roof to roof

Kazuto: HA! This is epic!

Rio: what a rush!

Okajima: what I tell ya coolest short cut ever

Girls: yeah it is

Isgogai: Hey guys wait up

Kazuto: gotta move faster than that

Meg: hey not outside of class

Okajima: relax it's fine after the pole toppling match peopled be suspipus if we didn't do this

Kazuto comes to an abrupt halt them he hears a crash

Kazuto simply backflips off the roof and lands comfortably 

Okajima and justice crashed into an old guy and gave him a hairline fracture in the right femur

Karasuma: Doctor says he should be out of the hospital in about a week or so what complicates this is you kids are a state secret especially Kazuto he'll likely settle out in court but my men have to negotiate a gag order

Kazuto: (ugh this is such a mess)

Korosensei turns up and he's pissed but doesn't say anything

Isogai: korosensei

Justice: it it wasn't our fault the street was too narrow

Okajima: yeah and who'd think an old man'd be riding his bike through there you know

Okano: exactly

Yada: I mean what we did was reckless and everything sure

Rio: but we where doing it to like sharpen our skills and what not

Terasaka: we gotta unwind we are under alot of pressure

Kazuto: yeah if we are kids that have to save the-

He slaps them all

Korosensei: will that be reported as me bringing harm to some of the students

Karasuma: I'll over look it just this once I knew the risk when I introduced a higher level of training I take full responsibility you clearly weren't ready this is one me except for you

He points and glares at Kazuto

Kazuto flinches back genuinely scared

Karasuma: you've been doing this for a long time now you should've called it off I'm disappointed in you

Kazuto looks down in shame angered with himself

Karasuma: you aren't in trouble don't worry let's call this a warning for you

Kazuto let's out a small smile

Kazuto: thank you dad

Karasuma: but expect extra training when we get home

Kazuto flinches: yes sir!

All the students apologise

Korosensei: perhaps you've grown to strong for your one good you where drunk on power you neglected too put yourselves in the shoes of someone weaker that makes you no different from your counter parts on the main campus

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