Chapter 1:???

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  Dark sky on the desolate forest took Moon as hostage, not allowing it to illuminate. The forest below didn't have any sound other than rustle of the leaves; even forest residents feared to wander around. The rain, which had never seen so far, was about to flood this forest. In this horrific, gloomy place, where there was no sign of life, stood an old woman whose boots are soaked halfway through. The woman wasn't moving at first. She was just staring at the lake which stood in front of her. She was staring blankly at the impact of the raindrops to the lake. She almost was like a dead woman, blinking occasionally. Her long hair had grayed over years and tangled with the effect of the rain.

 Her long hair had grayed over years and tangled with the effect of the rain

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The woman began walking toward the lake with small but confident steps. The wind was accompanying her, helping rather than obstructing the woman. The lake she had seen from distance had gone bigger; the trees surrounding was covering her from rain's greatness. She stopped suddenly. Began to move her head left and right, was looking for something.

"Stop!" said a blurry, unintelligible, young voice. It was echoing in the forest. The old woman was looking for the source of the voice. "Here," the voice continued. A smoke cloud shining weakly from inside caught the woman's eyes. The cloud was hovering close to the ground and the voice she heard was coming from inside. The cloud hovered in the air and dove deep into the forest, leaving the lake behind. The old woman began following this weird cloud. Her steps were bigger than they were, but she hadn't lost anything from its confidence.

 Her steps were bigger than they were, but she hadn't lost anything from its confidence

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"Come on faster," said the cloud, then it giggled slightly. Apparently, cloud liked the situation the woman was in. The sound was coming inside the cloud sounded more familiar than before; it reminded her someone. With thoughts inside her mind, she kept following the cloud.

They had come in front of a dark cave. It was darker than the forest. The woman hesitated, she turned towards the cloud. "I know u are scared," said the cloud, the sound was clearer again. It reminded her of a young girl, especially a familiar one. The cloud shone brighter and with a slight giggle and began emitting a reddish light. "Alright, I'll light your path," it said, "But please, be faster this time, would you?"

When they stepped into the cave, cloud was in front, woman at the back. Old woman couldn't stop thinking. 'Why she was here? Why was she following that thing? How did she come into forest?' None of these questions had an answer; there was only questions. "I'll answer all of them, just walk," said the voice of a young girl coming from the inside of the cloud. That answer added another question in woman's mind 'How come it know my thoughts?' Old woman became exhausted, she stopped where she was and said, "I cannot keep on like this, mind if I catch my breath?"

"Sure, you are the boss," cloud replied.

"Doesn't look like so," said the old women.

"It's, patience sweetie."

Old woman sat on a flat rock she found in the cave. The glitter cloud emitted had been increased fairly. "Who are you?" woman asked. The answer was surprising, "You," it said. The woman had decided that from that moment she was going to stop asking questions. There was no point of asking because every answer she got caused more confusion.

Cloud started speaking again, "Come on, you rested enough."

"How do you know that?" old woman asked.

"Haven't you just made a decision?" said cloud and giggled.

Cloud was hovering in front of the old woman, on a level with her shoulder. Woman was following the cloud with the confusion recent events had given to her. A beam of light appeared to woman from a distance. That made woman quite happy; the cloud was right, she feared dark places and looking at what happened cloud didn't get that from her face. They approached to the light; it seemed like an exit.

"Yup, we are leaving, you are relieved, aren't you?" said the shining smoke cloud. As the woman was about to start speaking, "Fine, you annoying lady," the cloud interrupted.

They went out of the cave. They were back at the forest and the rain was ceased. The Moon was visible again however there was something wrong. This place looked familiar: footsteps in the ground, entry of the cave and many more small details... This was the place where they entered!

"Look more carefully," said the cloud. Having taken a closer look at horizon she recognized tiny thing she couldn't define. Woman turned towards the cloud. The smoke cloud started turn around woman's head. The cloud was transforming meanwhile. It got thinner, elongated, and took a snake-like shape. Beam of light it emits gathered at the middle then moved towards one end. Split into two to shape its eyes. Then this red-eyed snake-like cloud, looked at the woman.

"Let's move on, if you are ready," said the cloud, its voice become even more clearer, however slightly mechanic this time. Together they walked into the thing they had seen earlier on the horizon. As it entered her vision, it became clear; that was a wooden shack. They got closer to the shack. Woman took a closer look: A wooden shack, all its windows were broken but some parts left. A wooden bench, a rectangular broken mirror and a lamp in the ceiling that didn't work.

"What is this place?"

"The place that you will find your answer." The voice had become more robotic than ever before.

Having received an answer that didn't confused her for the first time, the woman step into where door supposed to be, not caring how drastically the voice had been changed. It was obvious that door was broken; there was a door hinge with a piece of wood attached to it however, she couldn't see the rest of the door. She stepped inside and sat on the bench. Cloud fixated its eyes on the mirror, "It's time to meet in person," it said. Then dived into the mirror and disappeared inside. In a moment everywhere had gone dark, the shack turned into pitch black. Woman didn't move at all. She heard couple of cracks, then saw the lamp turned on. When the shack was brightened once more, she realized that mirror wasn't broken anymore. She stood up and stood in front of the mirror. Saw a clear reflection, which was like her, however with no meat or skin but metals and cables of a robot. She raised her hand, robot in reflection did so. She drew a semicircle with her index finger, again the robot did so. The robot did whatever woman did. As if it was her reflection. "I am you," said the robot.

  Woman got closer to the mirror with hesitation

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Woman got closer to the mirror with hesitation. She touched gently the mirror with one of her fingers. Where she touched got liquidized, became semi-viscous and began slowly surrounding her finger. The woman looked at the reflection. She saw the robot's finger that it put was also getting surrounded by a pinkish liquid. Woman didn't pull her hand, she just watched herself; the robot and she were being surrounded by something. First her hand, then her chest and neck... She closed her eyes and calmly waited until everything was done.

Everything was done, she didn't feel anything on her. She opened her eyes and looked at mirror again. This time there was her reflection on the mirror, meat and skin. She raised her hand and looked at her palms. Metals, cables, pipes and circuits... Robot closed his hand, clenched its hand firmly and threw a hard punch on the mirror. Mirrors glass was shattered, and its pieces scattered into the shack.

She was a robot now, there was no difference, she felt the same. She heard a sound coming from inside, as if she was being called, "Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth!"

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