Chapter 3: Farewell, Serene Days

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  Everything was going well for Elizabeth. Cutie was able to talk, control every robot in the house own her own. Elizabeth was at her computer again. She was looking for a robot model for Cutie in D&D R's database. As they agreed, she was going to control it remotely. Like Elizabeth saw at Fay's house. Meanwhile Thomas entered the room, "Hey, Elizabeth I'm going to attend the university's academic year opening ceremony. Want to join?" he asked. There was nothing to do for her, 'I'll take some fresh air, I guess,' she thought. She didn't punch a command this time she only messaged, 'Find the most optimal model and return to me sweetie'. Cutie's answer appeared on the screen, 'Sure, sweetie -_- '. Elizabeth closed the screen, faced towards her father and said, "Let's go."

They left the house with haste; hovercraft was waiting for them at its place. They stepped into the vehicle and began going towards the university. Elizabeth started speaking, "Is it true that president will join the event?"

"Of course, he won't miss it."

"Right. Dad why is he doing like that?"

"Doing what?"

"I'm talking about his redundant interest for this university."

" He wants to educate his people. What's wrong with that?"

"You now, rest of the education is still same, no one is going to get educated like this," said Elizabeth.

Her father knew the current state of the education however, he had a weird insistence that there was no problem at all. "Better than nothing," said Thomas.

Hovercraft landed on the campus. Thomas said, "Go back, pick us after 3 hours," to the vehicle. "Copy," vehicle replied. They walked away from vehicle, then vehicle took off. "There might be a problem with parking," Thomas said. Meanwhile Elizabeth received a message from Cutie saying, MR-16. Elizabeth replied, 'That's a military robot, needs permission'. Another message,  '  :( Sorry, looking for another model ' . They moved towards the sports complex of the campus. Opening speech was going to be there. Perimeter of complex was really crowded. There was a gigantic screen in front for crowd to watch inside. Elizabeth thought, 'Is this island that crowded?' They were trying to go to complex in this crowd. A police officer was shouting "Only university staff and their relatives. After his speech, the President is going to visit you." They broke into the crowd and got near the door. Seeing them, an officer halted them. Thomas took a paper out which looked like an invitation and handed it to the police. Police, looking at paper, said "Come in, Williams Family." They went inside, into a narrow corridor. From there they went to where speech would take place. Elizabeth was surprised that president was that popular. However, considering the capital that came along; it was not that surprising. In the end this charismatic man had turned this island, which no one knew, into a finance and science hub.

The basketball field which speech would take place was quite large. Only audience side had big, glass window panels from one side another. "Elizabeth, hang out with the students, coming in a moment," Thomas said. Elizabeth sighed and went to the audience side. Two young woman was sitting, watching men playing basketball. She sat beside them and introduced herself, "Hi, Elizabeth." "Maria," said one of the women, "Abigail," the other. "Tell me which one of them is more handsome?" she added, pointing those men.

"Don't know," replied Elizabeth, shrugging.

"Come on," said Maria, shaking Elizabeth slightly. "I think one on the left?" asked Abigail. They started giggling. With that Elizabeth had remembered why she was not getting out since she came to the island.

"Which exchange program u came?" said Maria facing Elizabeth.


"I remembered," shouted Abigail, "You are Prof. William's daughter, aren't you?"

"Yes." She had begun to get bored from this conversation.

'Wow,' said Maria.

Elizabeth thought the reason behind her astonishment. Then she realized she wasn't the topic anymore. Guys who were playing basketball were approaching to them. Women started giggling. Elizabeth didn't care; she just glazed over. She was looking forward to her father to come. One of the men came next to Elizabeth, "Hernân," he said and reached his hand out to squeeze Elizabeth's cheek. Elizabeth caught his hand in the air and shook it, unwillingly introduced herself. Having seen her father meanwhile, she got on her feet, said "Nice to meet you but I have to go," and left with alacrity.

Elizabeth went near her father with haste. Thomas introduced the man next to him to Elizabeth: "Doctor Nikolai Mikhailov, we are working on synthetic biomaterial. He has been working here for several years."

Elizabeth shook his hand. "Glad to meet you," said Nikolai. All three took their seats. The field was getting full of people. First scholar came in, then the students. Elizabeth looked for Clarie, though didn't find it. She must have been here. Because she had seen Paul earlier. Then president stepped in, students greeted him with enthusiasm. He greeted the students and took his seat. Elizabeth was behind president. She was about to lean forward when president turned backwards:

"Elizabeth Williams."

"Oh! Hi."

"I was at your birthday. I wanted to stay and meet you but... You know, politics."

"I understand, glad to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine. Now, allow me to prepare for my speech. I'll talk to you after ceremony," he said showing a small piece of paper that he took our from his pocket.

Elizabeth nodded as yes and leaned back. She justified the public; he was really a charismatic man, this love against him was understandable.

Rector would do the first speech. An old man stepped on the rostrum and began speaking. Meanwhile Elizabeth was peeking around. Nikolai was focused on the speech with a serious face, listening the speech carefully. Thomas looked quizzical, as if he didn't believe what was being said. Elizabeth turned backwards; Paul was still there, but Clarie wasn't. She turned back to listen to the rector however, he was about to finish his speech "... and I'm leaving the world to President Hugo Carbajal," he said. The president stood up, turned back, wave the crowd who were clapping them eagerly. He looked downwards slightly, winked at Elizabeth whispering "After," in a way that only she could hear it and turned backwards to moved towards rostrum in the middle of the field. President stepped on rostrum and shook rector's hand. President took place in front of the lectern as rector stepping down. He cleared his throat, tidy himself up. Elizabeth was completely focused on the president. And president began his speech:

     "Dear Kuramaçau residents and our guest,

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"Dear Kuramaçau residents and our guest,

5 years earlier here was an island that nobody outside cared, not knowing what's in it, doing nothing but fish trade."

Elizabeth couldn't prevent herself from thinking, 'Yet, still is.'

"After I had been elected, my first goal was to change it. I wanted that for us, not for myself. Today I am proud to look at people who altered the fate of this island... " he said showing the crowd first, the camera recording him after.

'Now I understand how he got elected, such a politician,' Elizabeth thought. President kept his speech going:

"I'm grateful for your services you have done for this island. I know our future is brighter and you..."

A bang echoed through the complex. One of the windows had been broken. Everybody ducked in fear. President stopped speaking; held his chest and fell. The crow at the behind began screaming. Elizabeth could hear gunshot despite the noise.

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