Chapter 5.1

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  They didn't speak at all during flight. Elizabeth just glared through window. Hovercraft landed on parking lot in front. But Elizabeth didn't hop outside, she just kept glaring. Nix, touching Elizabeth's shoulder, "Elizabeth! We have arrived," he said.

Elizabeth pushed his hand away, "Okay, I'll come. You go, I'm coming."

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, just go Nix. I want stay alone for a while."

Nix hopped out, began walking towards the house. The box was still in his hand. Elizabeth still wasn't moving inside the vehicle. Streetlight was blinking, Elizabeth stared at it without moving her head for a while. Then streetlight went off completely. Elizabeth was being illuminated only by the Moon and hovercraft screen's light in the twilight of the silent, gloomy night.

Couple minutes later, Elizabeth went out of hovercraft. Feeling exhausted, she walked through the house slowly. There was no light inside. She stepped into the living room however, she didn't want to turn the lights on. Living room's windows being big, the objects inside were roughly visible, but when Elizabeth looked at other room through archway, she saw the other rooms are in complete darkness. She now didn't have energy to get upstairs. She slowly walked towards the couch and fell on it.

With sunlight hitting her face, Elizabeth woke up. She squinted, tried to cover her eyes using her hand. Then rubbed her eyes, looked around. She looked at piano too. There was no one there either; however, that made her remembered what happened yesterday with Alfred. She was panting heavily. She stood up and went to the kitchen. When she saw kitchen empty, she yelled "Nix!" No answer. Yelled again "Nix!" Wasn't Nix at home? Elizabeth wanted to go upstairs to check Nix. In the stairs she was relieved with hearing snoring from up and went back to kitchen. She wasn't willing to wake Nix up; what happened yesterday was exhausting already. She stepped in, sat at the desk, gestured to robot. Robot dropped the breakfast on the table. Elizabeth ,unwillingly, began eating.

Yesterday's events weren't like the others, this time police were involved too. She was a wanted woman now; she didn't know how to get out of this. 'Wonder if Sackville knows about it,' she thought. Finished her meal, went to living room. NAN receiver was on the coffee desk. She took it, first activated her UI, then placed the receiver. 'Cutie, how we are going to message Sackville?' she asked. There was no answer for a couple of seconds. Then Cutie:

'I need to redirect a Shellcon message to repo then to Sackville,' she said.

'Alright then, do the adjustments, I agree all,' said Elizabeth. She saw lines of text sliding down.

'Ready, which message should I send?' Cutie asked.

"Send this, 'Mr. Sackville, we are on trouble, Alfred was shot, and police is on our tail. What do you think we should do?'"

She got no answer. Having gotten no reply, Elizabeth remembered her loneliness once more: First her father, Then Alfred. She pulled her legs to her stomach and put her head between her legs. Meanwhile Nix stepped into living room, sat next to Elizabeth.

"Are you alright?" he said touching Elizabeth's shoulder.

Elizabeth said "No! Everything has been going worse for the last week," and began crying. Nix hugged Elizabeth, trying to calm her.

"Calm down Liz..."

Living room's glass was shattered noisily. Elizabeth, shrieking, lay on the ground. Nix was ready; he took his gun out and began shooting. Elizabeth realized her UI had become active without doing anything. A route appeared to Elizabeth's vision. Route was leading to archway, stopping at hallway. Elizabeth began moving forward, crawling. "TAKE THE BOX!" Nix yelled. Elizabeth -taking the box standing near archway- went outside of living room. Leant against the wall when she entered, pulling her legs, she began waiting. Nix dived to hallway and came near Elizabeth. Elizabeth was locked in fear, she couldn't do anything. Cutie said, 'Try to calm down Eliz,' however Elizabeth was in great dismay that she couldn't understand it. Nix tried to calm Elizabeth down too, however he failed. 'If you keep going like that, I have to take the control away from you,' said Cutie. Meanwhile Nix grabbed Elizabeth from her throat, with his other hand he slapped her. Then he said, "Come up with yourself. This is not the place to cry. Now let Cutie take control. Any way out then door in living room?"

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