Chapter 4 (First day of hell)

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I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where all the gang sat. "Y/n, are you alright?" Pony asked.

"Y-yeah pony, I'm fine." I said.

Soda didn't do as much as look in my direction. What was so horrible about me? Everything? "Dallas, is there something wrong with me?" I asked. He looked at me puzzled for a minute, "Yeah, there's a whole damn lot wrong with you." He said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes. I came over and started speaking at about a whisper so Soda wouldn't hear. "For real though Dal, what's wrong with me?" I asked. " kind of act like a know it all, you can be annoying, you're too nice, you don't like cool things because you're weird." Dallas said. I took a minute to think about it and realized that he was pretty accurate. "How can I fix that?" I asked. "I don't know. Change?" Dally said. I rolled my eyes again. How could I just change myself. No way. Not for some stupid boy I just met. 

I walked over and sat next to Ponyboy and Two bit. "You like mickey?" Two-bit asked. 

"Oh um...sure." I said.

"Well, my favorite one is season 2 episode 10. MICKEYS IN SPACE. LIKE WHO WOULDN'T LOVE THAT." Two bit said. 

"Calm down two-bitch." Dally said.

Soda came over and sat next to Ponyboy. I got nervous. But if he never liked me in the first place, then why would he kiss me? I was wondering for a bit while the guys were watching mickey mouse. Then suddenly, I got the confidence to do something. "Soda, can I talk to you outside for a minute." I asked.

"Oh, uh, sure. We can head to the porch." Soda said as we both got up and went outside. The gang's gaze never left us.

"Soda, what's wrong with me? Why'd you kiss me?" I asked.

"Y/n, I kissed you because I think you're really sweet and beautiful. Absolutely nothing is wrong with you." Soda said while grabbing my hands and holding them.

"Then Soda why'd you say you messed up?" i asked.

"For one thing, I know you don't love me, love is different. Girls only think I'm hot. For another thing, I-i don't know if I should tell you this, but I think one of my friends likes you." He mumbled. 

"I don't know if I've ever loved anyone. Maybe someday I will...but you said someone likes me?" I asked. I'm not sure why, but my mind went to Dallas, he knew me. Then it went to Johnny, he always treated me really sweetly. 

"I really don't know for sure....You didn't hear it from me." Soda said with a laugh.

"Well now you gotta tell me who." I said.

"That's against gang rules. Sorry chick." Soda said as he got up before continuing to speak again.

"Hey, you got a big week ahead of you, let's forget about all this." Soda said.

"Yeah, I should get going soon anyways. It's getting late. I'll go say bye to the others." I said.

Soda got up and went inside. I followed him. "I better get going now guys. It's pretty late." I said. "Hey guys why doesn't someone walk y/n home. She shouldn't be alone on these streets." Darry said. "I'll go. I wanted to go do something anyways." Pony said. 

"Not on your own you won't. Take somebody with you." Darry said. I didn't quite understand why he was so protective of pony, but then again, they did get into trouble with those rich kids a lot. 

"Fine, I'll take Johnny with me. We'll pick him up at his house." Pony said. 

"Alright Pony, you better be careful." Darry said sternly. Pony nodded his head and then walked to the door. "C'mon y/n." he said. I followed him out and we walked down the porch steps and out the gate. 

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